CHS hosts 2022 Volleyball Awards Night

Paige Vasquez, Jordan Buskohl, Ellen McCormick, and Mabry Wingerter earn top awards

BY JIM BEERS Contributing Writer

CHESTER — Players, coaches, family members, friends and local media recently gathered at Chester High School’s Professor James F. Sharp Cafeteria to honor the CHS 2022 Volleyball Team. The event was the Annual Lady Jacket Volleyball Awards.


Head Coach Colleen Runge and Assistant Coaches, Alyssa Keith and Reese Chandler conducted the event and spoke regarding the season and highlights of individual accomplishments. The evening concluded with the presentation of the top awards for 2022.


Coach Runge welcomed everyone to the event and said, “I appreciate you all being here to support the girls and celebrate their accomplishments this year. I thank the parents for helping with fundraisers and making sure the girls had something to eat on the bus. You have gone above and beyond!”


“Secondly, I thank my assistant coaches Alyssa Keith and Reese Chandler for always being a huge support system not only to me, but the entire team. I am probably not always the easiest to deal with, so thank you for hanging with me through everything.”


Coach Runge began the recognition portion of the event by introducing the freshman team including. This years’ team had 10 players including Lillian Diskey, Riley Lochhead, Lexi Mott, Aubrey Coleman, Camryn Wolff, Erin Liefer, Jessie Stumpe, Rylie Conley, Olivia Earl, and Sadie Sellers.

Runge said, “This team has a ton of talent on it. I can remember the very first open gym we had this summer when some of these girls looked a little lost. However, they are such a coachable group, they listened to what we had to tell them and focused on applying it in the games.”


“Some of their accomplishments this year include winning the ‘Freshman-Sophomore Quad Tournament’ in Carbondale. There were a number of these girls who also played on JV and occasionally on the Varsity when I needed them. They are a very versatile group and the entire coaching staff is excited for next year as they continue to grow in their skill sets.”


Next up, Coach Alyssa Keith presented the JV Team and spoke regarding their accomplishments. The JV squad includes Camryn Wolff, Erin Liefer, Gianna Eggemeyer, Elaina Lutman, Jazzi Merideth, Libby McCormick, Kinsli McCartney, Lexi Eggemeyer, and Grace Welborn.


Coach Runge said, “This team is one of the most passionate bunches that I have ever coached. They are so much fun to watch and eager to compete. This JV team basically played the very first varsity tournament this year and did very well. They faced a lot of tough teams and took most of them to three sets. This makes me excited for next year as they continue to grow in their skills.”


Coach Keith said, “These girls are funny and passionate. They cooperate and do anything we ask of them. They had a good record and have a great volleyball IQ and have a good knowledge of the game. I can’t wait to coach them again next year!”


To close out the night Coach Runge introduced the 2022 Lady Jackets Varsity Team including (in alphabetical order) Maggie Caby, Elaina Lutman, Mabry Wingerter, Jordan Buskohl, Ellen McCormick, Lexi Eggemeyer, Jazzi Merideth, Grace Welborn, Libby McCormick, Maleia Absher, Paige Thomas, Emma Eggemeyer, and Paige Vasquez.


Coach Runge said, “Our record this season was 15-14. It is hard to put into words what I feel about this team! This season has definitely been a roller coaster of emotions. They have so much talent individually and as a team.”


“We didn’t always put it together the way we could have, but when they came together, they were pretty much unstoppable”


Runge said, “As a team this year, we placed 2nd in the Trico Invitational, and we won the Bronze Bracket at the very competitive Freeburg Tournament.


Regarding individual accomplishments, Runge briefly discussed each varsity player.

Maggie Caby: Played Middle for the varsity and she recorded 19 aces, 77 kills, and 47 blocks.

Elaina Lutman: Played some at Setter and Defensive Specialist. She recorded 30 assists, 25 digs, and had 92% serving.


Mabry Wingerter: Mabry was the Starting Setter for 2022. She had 20 aces, 90% serving, 49 kills, 25 blocks, 123 digs, and 480 assists. She also received the award for “Most Assists”.


Jordan Buskohl: Jordan played Outside Hitter. She recorded 204 kills, 14 blocks, and 28 digs, Jordan received the award for “Highest Hitting Percentage”.


Ellen McCormick: Played Libero. Had 17 aces, 29 assists, and 246 digs. Ellen received the Award for “Most Digs”.

Lexi Eggemeyer: Player some at Defensive Specialist and Outside Hitter. Stats include 7 aces, 24 kills, and 33 digs.


Jazzi Merideth: Played Middle and Right Side. She battled a knee injury towards the end of the season, but rallied back to record 15 kills, 4 assists, and 8 digs.


Grace Welborn: Grace came in when needed at Outside Hitter and Opposite Hitter. She had 9 aces, 18 kills and 14 digs.


Libby McCormick: Played Outside Hitter. Stats included 4 aces, 12 kills, and 18 digs.


Maleia Absher: Maleia played Middle Starter. She recorded 29 kills, 22 blocks, 3 assists, and 14 digs.


Paige Thomas: Paige was the Defensive Specialist. Her stats included 18 aces, 87 digs, and 80% serving. Paige also verbally committed to play for Frontier Community College in Fairfield, Illinois next year.


Emma Eggemeyer: Emma player both Defensive Specialist and Right Side. She had 91% serving, 22 aces, 7 Kills, and 74 digs.


Paige Vasquez: She was Outside Hitter for the Lady Jackets. She was also the Team Captain. Stats included 44 aces, 93% serving, 218 kills, 8 Blocks, 16 assists, and 204 digs. Miss Vasquez further reached a career high 500 kills this season at the DuQuoin game. In addition, Vasquez earned awards for, “Most Kills”, “Highest Serving Percentage”, and “Most Aces”.


To conclude the “2022 CHS Volleyball Awards Night Ceremony”, Coach Runge presented the Top Awards for the 2022 season. There were four major awards this year including “Top Offensive layer”, “Top Defensive Player”, “Teammate Award”, and Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award.


“Top Offensive Award”: Jordan Buskohl. This award goes to the player with the most accurate hitting percentage. Jordan ended the season with 204 kills, 14 blocks, and 28 digs. As an Outside Hitter, Jordan also received the “Highest Hitting Percentage Award”. Jordan led the Cahokia Conference Illinois Division with a 0.233 average. She ranked 47th statewide with 200 kills. Jordan was ranked #3 in the conference in kills.


“Top Defensive Award”: Ellen McCormick. This award goes to the player with the most digs and is also voted by the coaching staff. Ellen played the Libero position and recorded 17 aces, 29 assists, and 246 digs. She earned the team’s award for having the most digs in 2022.


“Teammate Award”: Mabry Wingerter. This award goes to the player that can always be counter on! Coach Runge said. “Mabry’s passion for the game and for her team is unwavering! She will literally do anything she is told if it benefits her team. She is also the first player to pick other players up when needed.” Mabry was the starting setter for the Lady Jackets in 2022 and recorded 20 aces, 49 kills, 123 digs, 480 assists, and she had a 90% serving percentage.


“Most Valuable Player (MVP): Paige Vasquez. This award was presented to the player that was the most valuable to the success of the team. Coach Runge said, “This girl is so much fun to watch. The power she has is insane. She was an asset to us both offensively and defensively. Her volleyball IQ is impressive. She is such a smart player. She was our team Captain his year” As an Outside Hitter, Paige recorded 44 aces, 218 kills, 8 blocks, 204 digs, and her serving percentage was 93%. Finally, Miss Vasquez accom0lished her 500th kill in 2022. Her play earned her the team award for “Most Kills”, “Most Aces”, and “Highest Serving Percentage.” Paige also ranked #38 statewide in Class 2A with 216 kills. She was #2 in the Cahokia Conference Illinois Division.


ALL Conference Awards for Cahokia Conference Illinois Division. Paige Vasquez and Mabry Wingerter. Two Lady Jacket players were voted to the Illinois Division of the Cahokia Conference as “2022 All-Conference” players including Paige Vasquez and Mabry Wingerter.


In the photos:


Paige Vasquez, a CHS senior Captain Volleyball player was named the Most Valuable Player on the Lady Jacket squad for the 2022 season. She was also named to the2022 Cahokia Conference Illinois Division All Conference Team. Jim Beers Photo






Mabry Wingerter, a junior CHS Lady Jacket Volleyball player, was named as the “Team Award” winner for the 2022 season. hat award goes to a player that has passion, will do anything to help her team, and she is the first player to “pick yup” a teammate when she is feeling down. Mabry was also named to the 2022 Cahokia Conference Illinois Division “All-Conference Team”. Jim Beers Photo

Jordan Buskohl, a Chester High School junior, was named the 2022″ Top Offensive Player” of the Lady Jackets team. She had the most accurate hitting on and team and led the Cahokia Conference in hitting percentage with a 0.233 percentage. Buskohl also ranked 47th in the state 2A Division with 200 kills. She ranked 3rd in the conference with her number of kills. Jim Beers Photo



For the 2022 season the Chester High School Lady Jackets Volleyball Team had two players earn “All-Conference” honors. Paige Vasquez, a senior, and Mabry Wingerter, a junior, were named to the 2022 Cahokia Conference Illinois Division All-Conference Team. Jim Beers Photo



Chester High School Head Volleyball Coach, Collen Runge, welcomes everyone to the 2022 CHS Lady Jackets Volleyball Awards Night. Jim Beers Photo





Chester High School Assistant Volleyball Coach, Alyssa Keith (forefront) addresses the crowd of parents and guests at the 2022 CHS Volleyball Aeards Night. Keith discussed the Junior Varsity’s season and presented awards to her team. Jim Beers Photo



The 2022 Chester High School Varsity Volleyball Team poses for an end-of-the-season photo with their coaches at the 2022 CHS Volleyball Awards Night Ceremony. Jim Beers Photo


The Chester High School Junior Varsity Volleyball Team celebrates the end of the 2022 season at the Annual Volleyball Awards Night at CHS James F. Sharp Cafeteria. Jim Beers Photo


Ellen McCormick, a CHS junior volleyball player, was named to “Defensive Player” of the 2022 season. This award goes to a player that had the most digs. It is voted on by the coaches. Ellen was the Lady Jackets’ Libero and 17 aces, 29 assists, and 246 digs. Jim Beers Photo


The freshmen squad of the 2022 Chester High School Volleyball Team poses for a photo at the conclusion of their portion of the annual volleyball awards event. Jim Beers Photo