ZELL – The Zell Volunteer Fire Department announced Saturday the selection of 77-year-old John Pfaff as Firefighter of the Year.
Pfaff is a former chief of the department and is now a captain.
Last year he made by far the most runs of any firefighter, about two-thirds of the calls. “The Lord has blessed me with good health,” he said.
He also attended the most trainings of the firefighters on the 10-man fire department.
Pfaff joined the fire department in 1983. He’s been on call 24/7 ever since then.
He has seen several tough blazes fough in tougher weather.
“We had one guy get stuck to a ladder and we have had hoses freeze in cold weather. Then there are fires in extremely hot weather. Sometimes after emptying a couple of air tanks you have to lie down to rest.”
The work isn’t easy and it seems these days every fire department needs more firefighters.
“We need more volunteers. I have responded to calls where I was the only one there,” he said.
Fundraisers and the occasional grant will pay for the equipment.
The Zell Volunteer Fire Department covers a wide area, including 12 miles of I-55, a portion of Route O, and they do mutual aid for surrounding communities.
“I drove a tanker all the way out to Highway 67 (north of Farmington) to assist in a junk yard fire once,” he said, “I am dedicated to the fire department and try to do everything I can.
He is married with two grown children, four grandkids and a greatgrandchild. Both of his sons in law, and a grandson serve on the Zell Volunteer Fire Department.