Election filing continues in Ste. Genevieve

STE. GENEVIEVE — Filing continues at Ste. Genevieve City Hall for the municipal offices which will be on the April 4th ballot.


The latest to file is Ashley Armbruster who was removed from Ward 4 by re-districting and has chosen to run in her new ward. Ward 3.


The list of those who have filed for the election:


Gary Smith for Alderman Ward 1.


Sydney M. Strzekczyk for Alderwoman Ward 2


Joe Steiger and Ashley Armbruster for Alderman Ward 3.


Mike Raney for Ward 4 Alderman (I).


Ste. Genevieve alderwoman Susan Johnson and newcomer Brian Keim have filed to be candidates for mayor of Ste. Genevieve.