Emma Eggemeyer will play softball for St. Charles Community College

BY JIM BEERS Contributing Writer

CHESTER — Chester High School senior, Emma Eggemeyer, has accepted an invitation to continue her softball career next year at the collegiate level. Eggemeyer will play for the Cougars of St. Charles Community College in St. Charles, Missouri.

In the photo: Chester High School senior, Emma Eggemeyer, daughter of Aaron and Amy Eggemeyer, signed a letter of intent to play softball at the collegiate level next year at St. Charles Community College in St. Charles, Missouri. Eggemeyer, seated at the middle of the table, is surrounded by family, friends, fellow Lady Jacket Softball teammates, current coaching staff at CHS, CHS Administration, teachers, and former coaches at the signing Monday November 21. Emma intends to study nursing and St. Charles CC. She still has on season remaining in the spring of 2023 prior to graduating from CHS and beginning her collegiate career. Jim Beers Photo


Eggemeyer said, “I have played softball since I was a little girl at the age of eight and love the sport. I am so excited to be able to continue playing after high school for the St. Charles Community College Cougars.”


When asked how her opportunity came about Eggemeyer said, “The coach called me and asked if I would like to come up for a visit. I loved the school and was told that I would probably be looked at as a pitcher and/or 3rd baseman.”


Eggemeyer has played for the Chester Grade School Lady Junior Jackets and her first three years at Chester High School for the Lady Jackets. She has always been a pitcher and infielder. As a child she played throughout all of the levels of youth softball and has been a member of the Elite Stars traveling softball program the past several years.


CHS Head Coach, Aaron Petrowske said, “The CHS Softball coaching staff and team are very proud of Emma for being recruited to play at the college level. We have all watched Emma work extremely hard to be the best player and teammate that she can be.”


Ms. Eggemeyer has been Co-MVP at CHS for the past two years as a sophomore and junior at CHS. According to Coach Petrowske, Emma not only plays well but academically studies the game and analyzes every situation.


“Even when she is completely focused on pitching, she will do something silly to pick up a team member. She also does well at containing her emotions on the field to maintain positivity”, said Petrowske.


“Our team has put a lot of responsibility on Emma the last two years. She has pitched a total of 202.3 innings. She dominated many times and always gives it her all. Even though I have asked her to focus on pitching, she is still able to rack up some pretty solid numbers on offense as well!”


Eggemeyer’s batting average stands at 286 the past two years with an on-base percentage close to 400. Each time she gets on base, she poses a threat to the opposing team with her “SMART” base running. Emma’s infield skills are also top notch. She just hasn’t had to opportunity to play other positions much at CHS.


“Coach Petrowske said, “Above all, Emma is talented, loves the game, and is coachable. St. Charles Community College is lucky to have Emma. CHS is very proud for her to have the opportunity to play at the next level while she pursues her degree. Luckily she will still play one more season at CHS!”

Quite a large group of family, friends, fellow teammates, former coaches and current CHS teachers and coaches attended the signing ceremony in the CHS James F. Sharp Cafeteria.


When asked how she felt about the turnout, Emma said, “Today’s turnout means a lot to me! The support from teammates and coaches as well as the community really makes me feel good and has helped me accomplish everything that I have accomplished.”


Regarding her involvement with her Lady Jacket team Eggemeyer said, “Softball is such a team sport. I love it. My career here at CHS has challenged me and made me a part of a big family. I have learned a lot!”


Emma is the daughter of Amy and Aaron Eggemeyer of Chester. She plans to major in nursing at St. Charles CC and hopes to get continued education at a four-year college following the completion of her program at the community college level.