JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Department of Agriculture has announced that six projects will receive funding through the Missouri Agriculture Energy Saving Team – a Revolutionary Opportunity (MAESTRO) grant, funded through the U.S. Department of Energy. The competitive grant program will provide up to $10,000 per project.

The reimbursement grant provides funding to address particular energy-related issues in K-12 school agriculture facilities in Missouri. The goal of the grant is to ensure valuable energy-efficient upgrades are being made in Missouri school districts. Students, and their instructors, can use funding to create a work plan that addresses energy-related issues, then execute the work plan under an instructor’s supervision. Funds may be used to pay subject matter experts to conduct energy audits or train students, purchase supplies, or pay for labor required to carry out the work plan.
Grant funds may be used on equipment, supplies and materials needed to increase energy efficiency in school agriculture shops, greenhouses or other agriculture facilities; training and educational workshops; contracting an organization to educate, train and assist students in conducting energy audits; materials needed to conduct energy audit; insulation (including labor needed to install insulation) in agriculture facilities; rehabilitating an aging greenhouse to be more energy efficient; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) updates to agriculture facilities and upgrading lighting in agriculture facilities to be more energy efficient.
The following projects were awarded grant funding in 2022:
Willow Springs R-IV, Willow Springs, MO
Clinton County R-III, Plattsburg, MO
Atlanta C-3 School District, Atlanta, MO
Madison C-3 School District, Madison, MO
Lamar Career and Technical Center, Lamar, MO
Cole R-I Russellville High School, Russellville, MO