R-II Board Briefs and Minutes from Oct. 18, 2022, regular meeting

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Board Briefs includes highlights from the Ste. Genevieve County R-II Board of Education’s Oct. 18, 2022, Regular Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting are attached below the board briefs.

This is an unofficial record.
The video of the meeting can be found on the district’s Youtube Channel, SGDragonsTV.

The MSBA September Board Report (https://www.mosba.org/board-report/) features a look at school safety issues and collaborative ways to ensure student safety, plus a preview of the 2022 MSBA Annual Conference and the Midwest School Safety Summit.



Board members and administrators listen to concerns and respond when appropriate by mail or telephone at a later date. The Board does not respond within the meeting to those who come to offer public comment. In order to speak during public participation, a Public Comment Form must be filled out and submitted to the Board President prior to the beginning of the meeting. See Policy BDDH-1: Public Participation at Board Meetings for guidelines and procedures.


Enrollment Count — Last Wednesday in September. Superintendent Dr. Julie Flieg presented the enrollment count from the last Wednesday of September (https://go.boarddocs.com/mo/stegen/Board.nsf/files/CKALU7583415/$file/Updated%20-%20Enrollment%20-%20Last%20Wednesday%20in%20September%202022.pdf). This is the number submitted to the state in the district’s Core Data as its official enrollment count. On Sept. 28, the official enrollment was down 15 students when compared to the 2021-2022 September count. Dr. Flieg mentioned that there have been more families submitting homeschool enrollment paperwork recently, which accounts for part of the slight decrease in enrollment. The September preschool enrollment is about 14 students fewer since this time last year; however, there will be quite a bit more testing of preschool students in the next few weeks and months, and that number will rise. The second enrollment count will be the last Wednesday in January.

Principal Reports. Our building principals and some of our middle school and high school students reported on a variety of teacher and student accomplishments (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15wL1HIM1j-qPZ8FvoDGZkF693JXNGSE-r4nt8eg_mCw/edit?usp=sharing).

Safety Reports. Safety drills from each building were reviewed.


Instructional Program Presentation — Elementary Library. Librarian Mrs. Jessica Uding for both Bloomsdale Elementary and Ste. Genevieve Elementary submitted a presentation (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JKbPBu7kt3TP-HxaEo8Hxbd4PmnubJcX/view) of the elementary library programming!

She shared that the library curriculum encompasses 15 units and covers topics such as story elements, typing, makerspaces, and internet safety. Last year, approximately 37,345 books were checked out at SGE by employees and students, and approximately 16,428 books were checked out at BLE. Mrs. Uding discussed programs such as scavenger hunts for learning how to use the card catalog, websites to learn and build upon coding skills, makerspaces for hands-on STEM projects, annual Scholastic Book Fairs, and virtual author visits, where students speak with an author via Zoom and get to take home a book.


Board Resolution – Membership in the Success-Ready Students Network: System Design Zone. The Board approved the resolution for the District’s membership (https://go.boarddocs.com/mo/stegen/Board.nsf/files/CJVJBH4C614C/$file/SDZ%20SG%20R-II%20Board%20Resolution%2010182022.pdf) in the Success-Ready Students Network (SRSN) (https://www.srsnmo.org/): System Design Zone. This is a collaborative initiative where a group of schools are working together to grow our understanding and application of using a competency-based mindset to personalize learning to ensure every student has the knowledge, skills and dispositions they need to be high school, college, career and workplace ready.

SG R-II has been chosen as one of 25 school districts selected to participate in this program for Missouri. The SRSN supports Missouri public school stakeholders in using a competency-based mind-set to personalize learning in ways that ensure every student has the knowledge, skills and dispositions they need to be high school, college, career and workplace ready. This group is exploring alternative assessments to the current state-mandated tests, a solution that would 1) enhance standardized testing through offering multiple data points through the use of interim assessments, and 2) research alternate accreditation methods.

Dr. McClard pointed out that the state’s current statewide tests are given in the spring semester, and those scores are only received by educators the following school year, after the student has moved on to the next grade level. Our district began NWEA testing as a pilot project a few years ago, and this through-year data collection method quickly grew as teachers began to share and discuss the type of data they were receiving on students’ growth and progress throughout the school year. NWEA testing provides teachers with real-time data, which allows them to adjust instruction to meet the needs of their students. This type of assessment is more individualized and allows our teachers to understand what our students need to be empowered in their own learning.



The next Board of Education meeting will be a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022, at 7 p.m.


Board of Education meeting minutes: