Rate reduction approved for S. K. & M. Water and Sewer Co.

JEFFERSON CITY—The Missouri Public Service Commission has approved an agreement in water and sewer rate cases filed by S. K. & M. Water and Sewer Company, which will reduce annual water operating revenues by approximately $16,160 and annual sewer operating revenues by approximately $11,980.


New water and sewer rates are expected to take effect for service on and after November 7, 2022.


When S. K. & M. Water and Sewer Company filed its water and sewer rate cases with the Missouri Public Service Commission on March 8, 2022, it sought to increase annual sewer operating revenues by approximately $8,000 and annual water operating revenues by approximately $4,000.


The agreement approved by the Commission was submitted by the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission and S. K. & M. Water and Sewer Company.


No party objected to the agreement. Under the agreement, a residential water customer using 3,600 gallons of water a month will see the monthly water bill drop from $36.01 a month to $32.12 a month.


A residential sewer customer will see the monthly sewer bill drop from the current monthly sewer bill of $47.87 to a monthly sewer bill of $42.00.