Honey bees make winter preparations

By Clayton Lee, Missouri State Beekeepers Association

SMITHVILLE, Mo. – Did you know there are no male honey bees (drones) in a hive during the winter?


Beekeepers watch their colonies in late summer as the honey bees make their first step to prepare for winter. That first step involves removing the drones. Don’t worry, the queen will make new drones in the spring.


One of the beekeepers first steps in preparing honey bees for winter is determining if the bees have enough honey in the hive. During late summer and early fall, beekeepers remove excess honey that can be sold, but they make sure there is enough left behind for the honey bees.


Have you ever wondered what you can do to help support the honey bees? You can plant a flower tree or shrub in the fall. Next spring, the honey bees will thank you by producing their wonderful, sweet Missouri honey.


Local honey is one of the best natural foods you can eat!! If you are looking for a source of local Missouri honey, take an internet trip to the Missouri State Beekeepers Association’s website: https://mostatebeekeepers.org/local-honey-finder/.


If there are no local beekeepers listed for your area, check out the local clubs (https://mostatebeekeepers.org/local-clubs/) map.


Oftentimes the local beekeeping clubs have their own local honey source list. Also consider stopping by your local Farmers Market. Beekeepers across the state are ready to sell you this delightful natural sweetener.

If you have any questions, please contact MSBA at: showmethegold@mostatebeekeepers.org.