STE. GENEVIEVE – Last week, Ste. Genevieve R-II celebrated its 2022 Homecoming.
Monday through Friday, the schools held dress-up days, cheered on our sports teams and celebrated with our community in the Homecoming parade!
After Spirit Night on Thursday, students cheered on our junior and senior girls during the annual Powderpuff game, which ended with a close score of 13-12 in favor of the seniors. The girls and their coaches showed great sportsmanship throughout the evening.
During the high school pep assembly Friday afternoon, Aiden Boyer, son of Katie and Jason Boyer, was crowned the Ste. Genevieve High School’s 2022 homecoming king. Other members of the court were: freshman attendant Elijah Bennett, sophomore attendant Seth Fischer, junior attendant Gabe Willett; and king candidates Carter Burr, Jacob Johns, Ayden Butcher, Will Vaughn, and Aiden Trollinger.
At the SGHS pep assembly and before the football game began, the students celebrated SGHS being recently recognized as an official National Banner Unified Champion School for its commitment to inclusion! The Dragons met 10 standards of excellence focusing on Unified Sports, inclusive youth leadership and whole-school engagement. Special Olympics Missouri Southeast representatives visited SGHS and joined in the celebration.
Ste. Genevieve High School took on Fredericktown for a 44-6 homecoming football win Friday night.
Brynna Wehner, daughter of Dustin and Amber Wehner, was crowned the Ste. Genevieve High School’s 2022 homecoming queen during the coronation ceremony at halftime. Other members of the court were: freshman attendant Sophie Garcia, sophomore attendant Grace Joggerst, junior attendant Tessa Hager; and queen candidates Evelyn Thomas, Dru Koetting, Ariella Taylor, Lani Yamnitz and Alli Byington.
This year, Chloe Schwent and Grady Rapp were the miniature cheerleader and football player at the game. Also during halftime, the Ste. Genevieve High School Band presented a selection from its 2022 show, Alien Invasion!
The winners of the week’s various competitions were also recognized during the game. The sophomore class was awarded the Most Spirited during Friday’s pep assembly. The winners of the float competition were: 1) freshmen, 2) sophomores, 3rd: juniors and 4) seniors. Congratulations to all of the classes for a job well done!
The week’s festivities concluded with the Homecoming Dance, held in the Peggy J. Johnson Gymnasium on Saturday night.
We would like to extend a special thank you to the following: SGHS faculty, SGHS administration, the Marching Dragons, the Color Guard, the SGHS Cheerleaders, the Emeralds and the student body for their terrific efforts in making this homecoming a success.
We would also like to thank the following businesses, organizations and individuals for their contributions and support during our 2022 Homecoming: Pettus Ford, Bruce Terry Electric, Milfelt Auto Body, County-Do It Center of Ste. Genevieve, Bill Holst, Breig Farms, Mueller Tire Service, Ste. Genevieve Antique Mall, Little Round-Up, Grein Valley Pallet Co., Premier Shutters and Blinds, JBJ RV Storage on 32, Mid-States Wood Products, Buy the Bunch, John Otto, the Ste. Genevieve County R-II Board of Education, the SGHS Custodial and Maintenance staff, Chris Thompson, Kenny Rapp, Jay Pope, Derek Schumer, the Parents of the Class of 2023, the parents of the Court members, parents who helped with float-building and made donations to the floats, the SGHS Tech Department, and everyone who had a hand in making this week a success! Special thanks also goes out to the class sponsors: Broc Kreitler, Cody Schwent, Alyssa Schwent, Dani Yamnitz, Carrie Staffen, Jeremy Mueller, Jamie Bauman, and Alex Newman. Thank you to Dr. Boyd, Dr. Nix, and Mr. Schnable for all of the time and patience they put into planning the past few weeks. Thanks to all of the judges—they did a terrific job! Thank you to Dragons Lair Productions, as well as the publications staff for all they’ve done with videos and pictures. Lastly, thank you to Mr. Roth and Mr. Schweiss, the Student Council sponsors!
Ste. Genevieve County R-II Celebrates 2022 Homecoming