Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland Troop 72067 Celebrated ‘Girl Scouts Love State Parks’ weekend

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Every year, Girl Scouts explore the natural wonders found across our country during the Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend. Girl Scouts nationwide, along with their troops, friends, and families, celebrate our shared love of the outdoors.


Juniors from Troop 72067 enjoying a cool morning on the banks of the

Meramec River at Onondaga Cave State Park.


Troop 72067 enjoyed skipping rocks on the Meramec River and exploring Onondaga Cave State Park for Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend. The girls of Troop 72067 advice for all Girl Scouts is to “be a sister to every Girl Scout!” This motto seems to have treated them well because these girls have been friends through Girl Scouts since kindergarten.


Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend was on September 10 and 11 this year. Girl Scouts took their backpacks and went out to their local Missouri State Parks for self-guided tours, family hikes, watersports, stargazing, special events, and more!