STE. GENEVIEVE – The tentative agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of the Levee District and the minutes of the previous meeting have been released.
The tentative agenda:
Ste. Genevieve County
Levee District Number #3
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
City Hall
Call to order
Roll call of Directors
Approval of Agenda
Minutes of last meeting
Treasurer Report
Old Business:
New Business: Easement Deed
Alderman’s request for gates
FWS Conveyance Plat
Public Participation:
For those who do not wish to attend the meeting in person, join us on Zoom at: or
Meeting ID: 834 5329 0262
Passcode: 832479
The minutes of the previous meeting:
Ste. Genevieve County Levee District #3
City Hall
Regular Meeting
August 9, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Vernon Bauman at 5:30 p.m.
Roll call of Directors
Present: Vernon Bauman
Sue Schweiss
Phillip Loida
Absent: Brian Kertz
Tom Okenfuss
Others Present: City Administrator Happy Welch, and Norman Gallup.
A motion was made by Sue Schweiss and second by Phillip Loida to approve the agenda as presented. All were in favor.
A motion was made by Phillip Loida and second by Sue Schweiss to approve the minutes from the July 12, 2022, regular meeting. All were in favor.
Treasurer’s report was handed out for July. There were checks written to Vernon Bauman, Sue Schweiss, Citizens Electric, Don Heil Oil, Cut “N” Edge Landscaping, County Home Center, Buy the Bunch and AT & T. There was a deposit for $23.32 for taxes collected in June. The balance at the end of July in the checking account was $59,238.27.
The current bills outstanding are from Kertz Farms and Cut “N” Edge Landscaping. There was discussion on the spraying and equipment charges from Cut “N” Edge Landscaping. After some discussion we are going to have Tom check on this before paying the current bill. A motion was made by Sue Schweiss and second by Phillip Loida to approve the Treasurer’s reports and the bill from Kertz Farms. All were in favor.
Old Business: Vern stated that he needs to talk to Jerry Bader on the survey on the area that we are considering conveying to Fish & Wildlife.
Norman received an email from FEMA that we have been approved for the $37,734.24 that we had appealed. We should receive payment in a couple of weeks.
Norman talked with Bruce Terry on the breakers, it will be about five more weeks until they are in. Bruce is going to get us some numbers on the surge protectors before our next meeting.
New Business: Vern would like to see the river below five feet so we could pull all the lower gates and flush things through to the river.
Vern will have a mechanic go down and check the trash rake. We have some belts that need to be replaced. The alternator belt needs to be replaced which are around $600. The cylinder on the trash rake needs to be sealed. Norman said that we need to have the hydraulic (fluid) changed. And that there is a light that we need to get fixed on the trash rake. After some discussion everyone was in favor of Vern to get these things taken care of by Vern Bauman Contracting.
The benefit assessment was discussed, and the District feels that there is no need to change the rate at this time. A motion was made by Sue Schweiss and second by Phillip Loida to keep the tax rate at 1.2% for 2022.
There being no further business a motion was made by Sue Schweiss and second by Phillip Loida to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m. All were in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Schweiss