Soybean growers explore agricultural policy in bi-state collaborative program

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The future of American agriculture depends on sound public policy and involvement from farmer leaders who share an appreciation for the legislative and regulatory process. The Missouri Soybean Association (MSA), in partnership with the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA), welcomes 14 Midwest soybean growers to the Iowa-Missouri Policy Leaders Fellowship (PLF) to witness and learn more about these processes firsthand in 2022-23.

The collaborative, one-year experience attracts young soybean farmers from Iowa and Missouri who possess a desire to learn more about government and the legislative process, all while improving leadership and advocacy skills on behalf of the soybean industry. Farmers were joined by legislative staff, industry leaders and key stakeholders during the program kickoff held Aug. 30 through Sept. 1 in West Des Moines, Iowa.


“My goal with the PLF is to find out how I can play a role in shaping policy and how we can drive the demand for soybeans,” said Lisa Obrecht, an ISA farmer member and soybean grower from Zearing, Iowa.


Throughout the year, participants will gain a deep understanding of the policies, laws and regulations that affect agriculture, the soybean industry and rural America at the local, state and federal level.


“It’s interesting how many people have a common goal across the country,” said Matt Moreland, a MSA member and soybean grower from Harrisonville. “It’s refreshing to see people from another state working toward that goal.”


Participants also toured the Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa, received briefings on farm policy and listened to a commodity outlook from StoneX Analysis during the programming. In 2023, the PLF will attend the ISA Winter Soy Summit and Legislative Reception in Des Moines, Iowa, visit Commodity Classic in Orlando, Fla., and connect with federal lawmakers from their respective states during a visit to Washington, D.C. while attending the American Soybean Association board of directors meeting.


The Missouri Soybean Association is a statewide membership organization working to increase the profitability of Missouri soybean farmers through advocacy and education efforts across the state. 

The Iowa Soybean Association is Driven To Deliver market demand, production research, information and insights and regulatory action benefiting Iowa’s 40,000 soybean farmers and the industry. For more information, visit