SEDALIA – Want to save money when coming to the Missouri State Fair and support a worthy cause? Missouri Farmers Care Food Drive $2 Tuesday, on Aug. 16, offers big savings to benefit Feeding Missouri. Give an at minimum donation of 2 cans of food, or make a minimum $2 donation and pay $2 Fair admission. In addition to $2 admission, most carnival rides and select concession and vendor specials will be $2 all day!

Missouri FFA will host their annual Food Insecurity Service Day, with over 800 FFA members and leaders in agriculture, who share a heart of service to those in need. Their goal is to reduce childhood food insecurity in Missouri and pack 150,000 child-friendly meals that will be distributed amongst the six food banks across our state.
The Agriculture Building is a great stop to learn more about food insecurity. There will be a canned food display constructed of 3,000 cans of food donated by Woods Supermarket. All cans used in the display will be added to the food drive collection and head to local food banks after the conclusion of the Fair.
In addition to the Food Drive efforts Tuesday, Aug. 16 will feature a great line up of events, shows and entertainment.
- The Market Heifer and Steer Showswill take place in the Coliseum
- The Old and Wow Tractor and Equipment Show/Tractor Operator Competitions, sponsored by Crown Power and Equipment, will be just outside the Mathewson Exhibition Center.
- The Swine Barn and Sheep Pavilionwill have their various breed shows throughout the day.
- The Show-Me Stock Dog Trialswill take place in the Mathewson Exhibition Center.
- Casting Crowns with We Are Messengerswill perform in the State Fair Grandstand, presented by CFM Insurance – tickets are still available for purchase.
- The MSF Truck & Farm Tractor Pullwill roar through the State Fair Arena throughout the day.
- A full line up of free grounds entertainment is planned along with other demonstrations and events.
Check out the Aug. 16 schedule on the Fair’s website for the complete list or find livestock show and competitive exhibits in the judging schedule online.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Aug. 16 and help support a worthy cause while saving big bucks on $2 Tuesday. Come join us for “Buckets of Fun” Aug. 11-21 in Sedalia at the 2022 Missouri State Fair!