Missouri Attorney General serves panorama education with civil investigative demand

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Last week, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt served Panorama Education, Inc. with a civil investigative demand, which acts as a subpoena, asking for documents related to surveys the company has created and distributed to client schools in Missouri. The Missouri Attorney General’s Office previously subpoenaed seven schools across Missouri related to these school surveys.
“Parents should have every right to know exactly what is being taught to their children, and if their children are being subjected to invasive surveys. I’ve proudly led the charge to empower parents and increase transparency in Missouri schools,” said Attorney General Schmitt. “My Office last week served Panorama Education with a civil investigative demand to collect documents to determine exactly what information and data Panorama has collected and how data from these surveys is being stored or distributed.”
In the civil investigative demand, the Missouri Attorney General’s Office asked for documents related to: any presentations created and given to Missouri client schools, how data from the surveys is collected and stored and who has access to that data, and how data from the surveys is distributed both to schools and any outside third parties.
More information on the previous subpoenas to Missouri schools can be found here: https://ago.mo.gov/home/news/2022/06/08/missouri-attorney-general-subpoenas-seven-school-districts-over-student-surveys-launches-transparency-portal