Floating on the Mississippi River in a canoe OR…

CHESTER – A pair of canoers carefully travel down the Mississippi River Saturday June 11 near the old sand company in Chester. 


Further up the river the pair had stopped briefly at the Chester River front and continued their journey south at roughly 2:30 p.m. 


Both men seemed content and in control of their watercraft as they departed Chester. Jim Beers Photo



…the American Duchess

CHESTER – The American Duchess docked in Chester at the Mississippi Riverfront throughout the day Saturday June 11. 

The popular cruise ship arrived at approximately 8 a.m. and did not depart until approximately 2:45 p.m.


While docked at guests had the opportunity to take bus tours throughout the town.  At various locations the buses made stops at which guests had to opportunity to get off the bus and shop at numerous Chester businesses.  Buses made trips throughout the visitation circuit throughout the day picking up guests and dropping off new guests. 


The Duchess departed Chester for St. Louis which was the final destination of the current cruise. 


On Monday June 11 the Duchess will visit Chester once again on the cruise back down the Mississippi River, this time with a new guest list and eager shoppers which will visit Chester on one of the first stops of their southern cruise.

The American Duchess prepares to travel underneath the iconic Chester Bridge Saturday June 11 after departing the Chester River Front at approximately 2:45 p.m.  The Duchess had been docked in Chester throughout the day while guests visited various locations for shopping, sight-seeing and dinning.  Travel guests will depart the Duchess for good in St. Louis after which it will pick up a fresh guest list and begin traveling back down the Mississippi once again to previously visited locations.  The Duchess is scheduled to stop in Chester one again on Monday June 13 on the return trip. Jim Beers Photos.