Bloomsdale Elementary School student honored for ‘Doing the Right Thing’

BLOOMSDALE  – A Bloomsdale Elementary School fifth grader student has been honored with a “Do the Right Thing” nomination.

Christina Miles was honored for her fast-acting, level-headed and caring response to a classmate in need.


Recently, a group of students were on their way home on the school bus when one student had a medical emergency.


The bus driver proceeded to pull over and call emergency services, and Christina quickly made her way to the child to help. Christina spoke to the student to gauge responses. She removed the student’s backpack and fanned the student with a folder. She continued talking to the student and relayed her observations to the bus driver. Once the student was in the hands of emergency services, she proceeded to calm the student’s siblings and other students on the bus. Christina’s calm demeanor and mature response were incredibly admirable, and she embodies profound leadership qualities. She was recognized with a certificate, as well as a Do The Right Thing t-shirt!


Do The Right Thing of Greater St. Louis is an organization that recognizes students for taking initiative and going beyond expectations to serve their community.