Missouri Department of Natural Resources to host virtual meeting on energy initiatives

JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri Department of Natural Resources will hold a virtual Formal Initiative Roundup meeting at 1:30 p.m., May 23 as part of Cycle 1 of the Missouri State Energy Planning, or MoSEP, process. The department’s goal for the MoSEP process is to identify and address, through an ongoing series of stakeholder engagement workshops, topics critical to Missouri’s current and future energy needs.

Since announcing this cycle’s stakeholder-suggested initiatives, the formal workgroups have worked on completing overview planning templates to provide details on initiative goals, timelines and metrics. The roundup meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about these initiatives and join the workgroups.


The department and initiative champions will provide information on the following formal initiative topics:

  1. Streamlining solar permitting.
  2. Electric vehicle infrastructure development.
  3. Residential energy efficiency real estate valuation/energy efficiency on the real estate industry’s multiple listing service.
  4. Energy system training and installation at schools.
  5. Missouri metals and battery storage.
  6. Information hub to collect and disseminate best practices and opportunities in the energy sector.


The department identified stakeholder-suggested initiatives for the MoSEP process based on criteria presented during regional meetings held in 2021. These criteria included the following: the relation of initiatives to the six statewide core values for the MoSEP process; having an initiative champion to partner with the department; being regionally relevant; consensus-based to the greatest extent possible; actionable; time-bound; and measurable.


The formal workgroups will begin to make progress on their goals following the roundup meeting, leading to Summary and Action Reports at the end of Cycle 1. Exploratory workgroups will further develop other initiatives for consideration during Cycle 2.


More information on these initiatives is available online at dnr.mo.gov/document-search/missouri-state-energy-planning-mosep-process-cycle-1-initiative.

To join the roundup meeting, visit dnr.mo.gov/about-us/forums-stakeholder-groups/missouri-state-energy-planning. 

For more information about the MoSEP process, visit dnr.mo.gov/energy/what-were-doing/mo-state-energy-planning or email mostateenergyplan@dnr.mo.gov.