Sparta High School senior awarded ISA Scholarship

CHESTER — The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office has announced that a Sparta High School senior is the recipient of the 2022-2023 Illinois Sheriff’s Association Scholarship worth $500.

Randolph County Chief Deputy Jarrod Peters presents Trinity Glodo with her scholarship certificate.  (Photo from Randolph County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.)


Trinity Glodo is the daughter of Kendra Glodo and Adam Shain.


She is a member of the National Honor Society, served on the Student Council and edited the yearbook. She is graduating with a 4.0 grade point average and is one of several co-valedictorians.


In addition to the Illinois Sheriff’s Association scholarship, she is also receiving the following scholarships: Sparta Chamber of Commerce, Henry A. Jubel from Spartan Light Metals, Mindies’ Angels, C.S. Henderson Memorial, Sparta Lions Club and Marian Eye Center. Her scholarships total $7,800, not including scholarships from the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign.


Sparta High School graduation is at 2 p.m. in the high school gym.


Trinity’ mother says it is an understatement to say she is proud of her daughter.


“She has put in the hard work, dedication and the effort to achieve a goal that she’s had since elementary school. She’ll be graduating high school in just a couple of weeks with a perfect GPA, which she’s held all throughout her school years. Not only is she one of her class valedictorians (there are several), but she was accepted to all but one of the colleges she applied to and most of them offered her scholarships of some sort. (She didn’t get into Harvard but she did get an interview!) She’s decided she will be attending college at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in the fall. Tonight was the high school academic awards night and she walked away with six more scholarships with hopefully more to come in the near future. I always told her if she could dream it she could achieve it.”


Trniity plans to attend the University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign in the fall with a major in advertising and a minor in business and journalism.