Missouri Chamber sends letter to Missouri General Assembly

JEFFERSON CITY — Daniel P. Mehan, president and CEO of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has issued the following letter to the Missouri General Assembly. The letter urges Missouri lawmakers to vote down proposals that would forbid Missouri businesses from requiring vaccines. It is the position of the Missouri Chamber that these proposals are government overreach. 

To the Members of the Missouri General Assembly, 


In these final days of session, the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry is calling on you to stand up against government overreach. It was wrong when the federal government attempted to dictate employer vaccination policies — and it would be just as wrong for state lawmakers to follow the Biden administration down this path of interfering with employer rights. 


This week we expect to see attempts to revoke the long-held employer ability to make decisions about workplace vaccination. Make no mistake, these proposals are anti-business and violate the principle of free enterprise. They are often aligned with trial attorney interests, seeking to open businesses to a flood of new lawsuits. 


This last week of session, please listen to the hundreds of business leaders from across Missouri who continue to speak out against these harmful proposals. No matter the issue, when government attempts to reach into business affairs, our position is simple and consistent — Let Business Decide. 

Please support Missouri’s business community. We ask you to vote down any measures aimed at taking rights away from Missouri’s job creators. 



Daniel P. Mehan

President and CEO

Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry          


The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the largest business association in Missouri. Together with the Missouri Chamber Federation, the Missouri Chamber represents more than 75,000 employers. To learn more, go to www.mochamber.com, or follow us @MissouriChamber on Twitter.