Corn growers support Kehoe in governor race

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.—The Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) announced its endorsement of Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe in the 2024 gubernatorial race. A membership-based organization representing corn farmers across the state, MCGA supports candidates with proven records on policy issues impacting corn growers.


“Agriculture is fortunate to have a champion like Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe,” said MCGA President Jay Schutte of Benton City. “A respected statesman with a strong track record of support, not to mention a farmer himself, it was an easy decision to endorse Mike Kehoe in his race to become the 58th governor of Missouri. He understands the corn and ethanol industries and uses that knowledge to help keep Missouri farmers competitive. His commonsense approach and ability to create partnerships make Mike Kehoe the right person to continue leading our state forward. The Missouri Corn Growers Association is proud to endorse Mike Kehoe in this upcoming election.”


To receive an endorsement from MCGA, Kehoe had to meet criteria established by the board of directors, a governing body comprised of 14 corn growers throughout Missouri. These standards include a strong voting record on MCGA’s top issues, as well as being a recipient of the organization’s esteemed Public Servant Award. Kehoe was awarded the association’s Public Servant Award in 2015 for his work in the State Capitol on corn, ethanol, and transportation initiatives.


“As a first-generation farmer, I am proud to receive this important endorsement for governor from the Missouri Corn Growers Association,” Lt. Governor Kehoe said. “Year after year, our hard-working corn growers make Missouri a top producer in the country which grows our economy. Together we will work to identify greater opportunities to make our state even more competitive and the best place in the country for agriculture. Claudia and I want to thank all of Missouri’s farmers who work tirelessly in the fields to feed our country and the world.”


MCGA was formed in 1978 to advance policies that will help protect the rights of farmer-members, build new markets for corn, and increase opportunities through partnerships within agriculture and beyond. To learn more, visit