Department of Natural Resources awards $1.1 million grant to Missouri Rural Water Association

JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has awarded a $1.1 million Clean Water State Revolving Fund Technical Assistance Grant to the Missouri Rural Water Association. The association will use the funding to provide assistance to small- and medium-sized publicly-owned treatment works.


The association will base its assistance on responses to a request for proposals sent out to nonprofit corporations to provide such services in accordance with Section 603 (c)(11) of the federal Clean Water Act.

The scope of work included in this grant project focuses on assistance with activities such as planning, financial management training, project development and financial application assistance for eligible projects to achieve compliance with the Clean Water Act and to provide communities much needed infrastructure planning support.

“Infrastructure, such as wastewater systems, is crucial to our communities all across the state,” said Governor Mike Parson. “Through this grant, we can help smaller public treatment facilities improve their wastewater systems as well as their ability to manage them even more effectively. This in turn will help protect public health and support local economies.”

“We believe very strongly in helping Missouri communities maintain their water treatment systems,” said Dru Buntin, director of the Department of Natural Resources. “One of the ways we do that is by offering financial assistance through programs like the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.”

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund finances improvements to wastewater treatment facilities, sewer collection systems rehabilitation and extensions, combined sewer overflow corrections, as well for security, efficiency and conservation measures.

The department is committed to assisting Missouri communities with water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects. Through its Financial Assistance Center, the department provides funding opportunities for qualified communities with water quality, wastewater and drinking water infrastructure needs. This project will be funded wholly or in part with monies received from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information on wastewater and drinking water funding opportunities, visit