CHS Prom unveils new ‘Starlit Paradise’ Royalty

By Jim Beers, Contributing Writer

   CHESTER – The 2022 Chester High School Prom is in the books and the “YellowJacket Hive” has new royalty.  Prom 2022 was titled, “Starlit Paradise” and the annual formal prom coronation and dance took place Saturday April 9 at CHS Jurgens Gymnasium.

CHS Prom Royalty pose for a congratulatory photo immediately following the coronation ceremony Saturday evening April 9 at Chester High School’s Juergens Gymnasium. Pictured (left to right) are Queen Alex Hennrich, King Jacob Cowell, Prince Koby Jany and Princess Maleia Absher. Jim Beers Photo

Most prom attendees began their activities early in the day with preparations and thousands of prom photographs taken at numerous locations throughout the Chester area.

Next on most agendas were trips to various fine restaurants within one-hour radius of Chester in the Illinois and Missouri area.  A frequently mentioned dinner destination by many prom-goers was the “Spaghetti Factory” in St. Louis.

After arriving back at Chester High School prom location at approximately 6:45 p.m. prom attendees checked-in at Jurgens Gym and began to make final adjustments and preparations for Prom Night 2022 to begin.

Once all of the Prom Candidates arrived and were ready to begin the Coronation Ceremony, CHS Prom Co-Sponsors Erin Belton and Dawnye Apple, started the ceremony. CHS Assistant Principal, Robin Barton was the Administrator on duty.

Mrs. Apple served as Master of Ceremonies and welcomed everyone to the 2022 Chester High School “Starlit Paradise” Prom Coronation Ceremony.

Mrs. Apple first extended a huge thank you to two junior girls who played a big role in making the evening possible. Apple said, “Before I begin the candidate biographies I would like to take time to express my gratitude and pride in two special ladies that Mrs. Belton and I have had the pleasure of working with to make this evening a beautiful success.”

“If you would, please join me in giving a round of applause for a job well done to Emma Eggemeyer and Paige Vasquez. We also had a great group of girls that helped to decorate yesterday and worked hard to make this gym look so this nice.  Thank you ladies!  Now without further ado, let’s meet our 2022 “Starlit Paradise” Prom Royalty.”

The 2022 Chester High School Prom Court (left to right) includes Shane Bicket, Junior Prince Candidate; Camrynn Howie and Chance Mott, Junior Prince and Princess Candidates; Emily Mehrer and Jared Landeros, Senior King and Queen Candidates; Maria Nickle and Ethan Stumpe, Senior King and Queen Candidates; Alex Hennrich, 2022 CHS Prom Queen; Jacob Cowell, 2022 CHS Prom King; Koby Jany, 2022 Prom Prince; Maliea Absher, 2022 Prom Princess; Madi Kribs and Cooper Eggemeyer, Senior King and Queen Candidates; Kylie Fortner and Freddie Alvarez, Senior King and Queen Candidates; and Emme Eggemeyer, Junior Princess candidate. Jim Beers Photo

Mrs. Apple began the introductions by announcing the three junior couples nominated for 2022 Prom Prince and Princess.

The first junior Prince and Princess couple was Maleia Absher and Shane Bickett.  Absher is the daughter of Misty Parrish and Kim Absher.  At CHS she is involved in Student Council, Spanish Club, Volleyball, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)Baseball, Basketball, and Track.  After high school Absher plans to attend University of Tennessee Martin to major in Criminal Justice.  She then wants to go to law school to become an attorney.

Bickett is the son of Nick and Trish Bickett. At CHS he is involved with the YellowJacket Football Team. After graduation he plans to become a firefighter.

The second junior Prince and Princess Candidates were Emma Eggemeyer and Koby Jany. Eggemeyer is the daughter of Aaron and Amy Eggemeyer. Her CHS activities include Softball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Track and Field, Student Council, Junior Class President, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, FCA and 2022 Prom Planner.  After graduating from CHS she plans to pursue a degree in nursing and becoming a CRNA.  While in college she hopes to play collegiate softball.

Jany is the son of Trisha and Pete Jany.  At CHS he is involved with Football, FCA, Baseball, Basketball, and National Honor Society.  After high school he wants to study the field of Agriculture at Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO).

The final junior Prince and Princess Candidates were Camrynn Howie and Chance Mott.  Howie is the daughter of Josh and Krista Howie.  Her activities at CHS include Spanish Club, Softball, Track and Field, and Basketball.  Following graduation from CHS she plans to pursue a degree in Education at SEMO.

Chance Mott is the son of Jeff and Tracy Mott.  Chance is involved in Basketball, Baseball and Golf at CHS.  He is undecided regarding his definite plans after graduating from CHS next year in 2023.

Apple next introduced the five CHS King and Queen Candidates for “Starlit Paradise” Prom 2022. King and Queen Candidates are nominated by the CHS Student Body from the Senior Class of 2022.

The first King and Queen Candidates were Kylie Fortner and Freddie Alvarez. Kylie is the daughter of Shelley Scanlan and Rob Fortner. Her activities at CHS include NHS, Student Council, the “Sting Newspaper”, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), FCA, CHS Dance Team, ACES, Volleyball, and Softball.  After graduation in May of 2022, she plans to attend SEMO to major in Construction Management.

Freddie is the son of James Alvarez and Megan Mullholland.  He is involved in Football, Track and Field, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  Following graduation in May he plans to continue his post-secondary education at a college of his choice.

The second candidates for 2022 CHS Prom King and Queen were Alex Hennrich and Jacob Cowell. Hennrich is the daughter of Barb Diebolt-Hennrich and Darrel Hennrich. Alex is involved in Cheerleading, Track and Field, Band, Student Council, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, and FCA.  After graduating from CHS she plans to attend post-secondary education at Southwestern Illinois College to complete her general education classes after which she wants to transfer to SEMO to study Veterinary Science to become a Veterinarian.

Jacob Cowell is the son of Rebecca Phillips and Todd Cowell.  Cowell is active in Football and Track and Field at CHS. After graduating from CHS he plans to become a United States Marine. 

The third King and Queen Candidates were Madi Kribs and Cooper Eggemeyer. Madi is the daughter of Rodney and Tammy Kribs.  Her CHS activities include Student Council, The Sting Newspaper, Academic Challenge, Spanish Club, SADD, Cross Country, Track and Field, and Medical Explorers.  After graduating from CHS she plans to attend SEMO to pursue a Medical Degree in Obstetrics.

Cooper is the son of Aaron and Amy Eggemeyer.  He is involved in Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track and Field at CHS.  After graduation he plans to go to college to purse a degree in Engineering.

The fourth senior King and Queen Candidates were Emily Mehrer and Jared Landeros.  Emily is the daughter of Jodie and David Mehrer.  At CHS she is involved in Spanish Club, Student Council, she is a Senior Class Representative. After graduation she plans to attend SWIC to complete her general studies prior to transferring to a 4-year college to finish her Bachelor’s Degree.

Jared is the son of Patricia and Horacio Landeros.  At CHS he is a member of the Student Council, and he plays Football, Basketball, and Golf. He is the Spanish Club President, and is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Upon graduation, he plans to join the United States Air Force.  He eventually wants to become a Mortgage Broker.

The fifth and final senior King and Queen Candidates were Maria Nickle and Ethan Stumpe.  Maria is the daughter of Rhonda Nickle.  Her activities at CHS include Student Council, Band, Spanish Club, Dance Team, Basketball, Golf, Cross Country, FCA, Theatre Club, Track and Field, and Swing Choir. Upon graduation Maria plans to attend Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville to major in Biology.

Ethan Stumpe is the son of Scott Stumpe and Jennifer Cartwright.  At CHS Ethan is involved in Football, Baseball, Basketball, and National Honor Society.  After graduating from CHS he plans to attend Kentucky Wesleyan University where he has been recruited to play football and he will study to become an attorney.

Following the introductions of the 2022 Prince and Princess Candidates and King and Queen Candidates, Mrs. Apple announced the winners as chosen by CHS student body voting.

The 2022 CHS Prom Prince and Princess were Koby Jany and Maleia Absher. 

The 2022 CHS Starlit Paradise King and Queen were Jacob Cowell and Alex Hennrich.