Missouri Cattlemen’s Association endorses Vicky Hartzler for U.S. Senate

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association today voted to endorse Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler’s Campaign for U.S. Senate.


Jimmie Long, a cattle producer from Cole Camp, Missouri, and Chair of MCA Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee, said Hartzler is a proven leader when it comes to fighting for farm and ranch families. 


“When it comes to our issues, we know exactly what to expect. She is the only member of the Missouri congressional delegation serving on the agriculture committee in Washington, D.C. She is a farmer and a longtime producer member of this association,” Long said. “She is currently leading the fight in Washington to create a level playing field for cattle producers by addressing price discovery and market transparency.”


The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association has been the top advocate for Missouri’s cattle industry for over 100 years and was the first livestock commodity group in the state. MCA’s primary mission is to promote and protect the beef producing industry in Missouri.


“I am humbled by the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association’s endorsement, and I look forward to working with them to win this race and bring support, knowledge, and advocacy of the cattle industry to the U.S. Senate,” Congresswoman Hartzler said. “Missouri’s cattle industy is a national leader and as a cow-calf operator I understand first-hand the challenges cattlemen and cattlewomen face. That’s why I have been honored to advocate for Missouri’s agriculture industry to protect Missouri’s future generations. We will continue fighting to restore commonsense to Washington so the American consumer can continue to enjoy the safest, most affordable food supply in the world.”


Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler was raised on a farm in Archie, MO, working alongside her parents and sister to raise crops and care for livestock, and still lives in Cass County today on a family farm with her husband, Lowell, and daughter, Tiffany. Hartzler serves on the House Agriculture Committee.