Valle Catholic Grade School presents V-A-L-L-E Awards

STE. GENEVIEVE – Valle Catholic Grade School recognized students with VALLE Awards on Friday, March 18, 2022.


The VALLE Awards honor those students who consistently lived virtue and exceeded expectations in their character traits, work habits and academics during the third quarter of school. Students were nominated by their teachers in five areas that represent who we are here at Valle Catholic.


The V in VALLE is for Virtue.  Virtue not only allows a person to do good things, but to give the best of him/herself. A student at Valle lives virtue when he/she is kind, compassionate, generous, and honest and when he/she demonstrates integrity, self-control and courage.

These students faithfully followed in Christ’s footsteps this third quarter:

Cora Baumann, Colbi Rayoum, Mack Basler, Dixie Hermann, Henry Trautman, Thomas Ellis, Tessa Roth, Madison French, Mackenzie Buchheit.

The A in VALLE is for Achievement.  Achievement involves all content subjects at Valle Catholic.  High performance reflects students exceeding our academic expectations. 

These students excelled in the area of academics for third quarter:

Oliver Kersting, Avery Viox, Catherine Altom, Kenzie Gegg, Reese Jokerst, Adelyn Hermann, Gage Fallert, Chase Basler, Kai Siebert, Lauren Schilly, Drake Meyer      


The first L in VALLE is for Loyalty.  Loyalty is a strong feeling of support and continuing faithfulness to someone or something.  Students who are loyal are always true to their school and those people in it.

The students for third quarter who showed real loyalty to Valle and its members are:

Clare Korn, Jace Naeger, Noah Heil, Lucie Wolk, Jase Lipp, Landon Wolk, Bronco Naeger, Colton Lipp, Alyson Meyer


The second L in VALLE is for Leadership.  Leadership is defined as the ability to lead other people.  Students who lead at Valle do so with courage, confidence, and most importantly, kindness.  They understand that being a leader is a responsibility to set a positive example for those around them. 


Students who exhibited outstanding leadership qualities for third quarter are: Bettie Basler, Olivia Basler, Shaelynn Donovan, Annabelle Grass, Emma Henderson, Allie Heberlie, Grayson McGowan


The E in VALLE is for Effort.  Effort is the serious attempt to do something, and at Valle, to do it well.  Students who show great effort constantly work hard to do their best.  The task may not always be easy, but the feeling of knowing you gave it your all is worth it. 

Students who have demonstrated unwavering determination for third quarter are:

Noah Ringwald, Duke Basler, James Woodward, Ella Pettus, Miles Woodward, Trey Donze, Cora Palmer, Brooklynn Brewster, Connor Manshack, Caleb Luttrell, Jaxon Palmer and Kalan Fallert.