Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen meeting

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen met in regular session last night.


The aldermen heard from City Administrator Happy Welch, Police Chief  Eric Bennett, and Alliance Public Works Manager Steve Wilson. Their reports, along with committee reports and any public comments are available on the video of the meeting from SteGenTV:


The aldermen approved the consent agenda, which included:


Resolution 2022-41, authorizing the mayor to enter into a property maintenance agreement with Jessica Tucker to maintain flood buyout property.


Resolution 2022-42, authorizing the mayor to enter into a property maintenance agreement with Kari Davidson to maintain flood buyout property.


The aldermen approved a low bid of $526,794 from Vern Bauman Contracting for water main improvements on North Fourth Street and North Main Street, using ARPA funds.


The aldermen gave second round approval to the following measures:


Bill No. 4478: A $190,705 agreement with Vern Bauman Contracting for the 2022 Street Repaving Program.


Bill No. 4479: A $143,054.40 agreement with CE Contracting for the Parkwood concrete replacement project.


Bill No. 4480: A change in zoning from light industrial to central business for 50 Jefferson Street.


Bill No. 4483: An agreement with Ste. Genevieve County for the operation of the Ste. Genevieve County Recycling Center.


All of the votes were 6-0 with two absent.


Bill No. 4485: A professional consulting service agreement with JAAD Creative Services Creative of Pekin, Indiana for the Visit Ste. Gen website improvements. First and second round approval. The vote was 6-0 with two absent.


Aldermen Gary Smith and Mike Raney were absent. Alderwoman Susan Johnson attended via ZOOM.