Ste Genevieve County Master Gardeners ‘KEEP Ste Genevieve Beautiful Grants’ funding opportunity announced

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste Genevieve County Master Gardener program is now accepting applications for the “Keep Ste Genevieve Beautiful” grants.


$1500 will be available to fund garden project proposals.


Maximum amount available to request is $1500.  There is no minimum award.


Eligible applicants must be residents or organizations located in Ste. Genevieve County and all projects must be located or offered in Ste. Genevieve County.


Here are some suggestions as to projects:


  • Beautification of the city’s public spaces with flowers, vegetables, trees, and other garden ornamentation
  • Sponsorship of educational seminars on gardening, garden art, birds, nature, etc.
  • Sponsorship of scholarships to local programming on gardening, the Master Garden Course
  • Opportunities currently unavailable that promote or assist gardening
  • Programming that assists or encourages young children to develop a love of gardening
  • Programs that provide opportunities for the disabled to participate in gardening activities.
  • Programs that aid the elderly in maintaining present gardens or promote continued gardening.


The project narrative and budget form must be completed and turned in by 5 PM on April 8, 2022.


The project forms can be submitted to the University of MO Extension office at 1300 Progress Parkway, Progress Sports Complex, Suite B, Ste. Genevieve, Mo 63670 or by email to


All decisions regarding funding of the project proposals are final decisions made by the Master Gardener organization of Ste. Genevieve County.


Projects received after the due date, are unreadable or are incomplete will be automatically disqualified.


Preference will be given to projects that are typed with a minimum 10-point font.


Any project not started within 90 days of receiving funds shall be deemed

nonresponsive and we will request funds be returned.


The following projects will not be considered:


  • Requests from individual property owners on their own behalf
  • Tree removal
  • Play equipment
  • Overhead costs (office supplies, phone bills, labor, etc.)
  • Tools and equipment.


Required attachments:


  1. Letter from property owner, business owner granting permission for your group to conduct the beautification project on private property.

2    Letter from county or city granting permission for your group to conduct the beautification project on city or county property

  1. Letter from authorized school official or organization for your group to conduct the beautification project or gardening seminar on school property.


Applications are due April 8, 2022, by 5 p.m.


The grants will be awarded April 14, 2022