Paul Schimpf introduces ‘A New Start for Illinois’

WATERLOO, Ill. – Republican candidate for governor Paul Schimpf says it’s time to shift the balance of power away from politicians and bureaucrats and back into the hands of individuals and working families. Today, Schimpf released his “A New Start for Illinois” plan which will put Illinois back on a path for economic success after failed leadership has led to higher taxes, slower wage growth, and increased overreach on our businesses and families.
“If the disease is powerful and corrupt politicians, then the cure is to limit the politicians and empower the people of Illinois,” Schimpf said. “My ‘New Start for Illinois’ plan begins with the premise that politicians are often the problem, not the solution. We have a state constitution that includes a bill of rights, but politicians have eroded those rights. Legislation that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago is now passing the Illinois General Assembly. I’m focused on limiting the government overreach that is hurting Illinois families and businesses.”
Schimpf’s “A New Start for Illinois” plan calls for:

  • “No Tax On Tax” Constitutional Amendment that would prohibit governments from charging sales tax (or any percentage-based tax) on taxes and fees.
  • A constitutional amendment clarifying that parents, not the government, determine their children’s education and healthcare.
  • Make “Curriculum Transparency” is a requirement for any receipt of state P-12 education funding.
  • Law enforcement (including corrections officers) and first responders are a protected class under Illinois Hate Crimes Law.
  • Emergency administrative regulations and any administrative regulations that increase or create fees and penalties require an affirmative 7-member approval vote from JCAR in order to become effective.
  • Assessors may only increase property value assessments upon legal transfer of the property or a change in the property’s zoning. 

“This all comes back to fixing and regrowing Illinois’ economy to the powerhouse it can, and should, be,” Schimpf said. “Safer communities mean people will be more willing to go out and spend money without the fear of crime, eliminating Illinois’ excessive tax increases—from adding tax to taxes or the never ending property tax fight—means businesses, recent graduates, and families will want to stay here long-term, and weeding out corruption and government overreach will put trust back in our state leadership again.”
“A New Start for Illinois” also calls for additional first responders as a protected class to the Illinois Hate Crimes law and guaranteeing parental rights in determining education and healthcare decisions for their own children. “We need curriculum transparency because parents deserve to know what material is being presented to their children,” Schimpf said.

About Paul Schimpf: Paul Schimpf served as a State Senator for the 58th Senate District, is a Marine Corps Veteran who serviced in Iraq and served as the chief American attorney advisor to Iraqi prosecutors in the trial of Saddam Hussein. Paul and his family live in rural Monroe County.