Jamie (Naeger) Ballew seeks your vote in the April 5 School Board Election

By Jamie (Naeger) Ballew

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Hello, my name is Jamie (Naeger) Ballew, and I am running for 1 of 2 seats on the Ste. Genevieve R-II Board of Education.  For those of you who don’t know me, let me tell you a little about myself.  I am a lifelong resident of Ste. Genevieve County.  My parents are Ed and Doris Naeger.  I graduated from Valle in 2003.  After high school I attended Southeast Missouri State University where I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting.  Following graduation, I moved back to Ste. Genevieve to start my career as an accountant at Citizens Electric, where I remain employed.  In 2008, I married Matt Ballew, who is a detective for the Ste. Genevieve County Sheriff’s Office. Matt’s parents are Ronnie and Vicky Ballew of Ste. Genevieve County.  Vicky retired from Farmington R-7 after 28 years as a special services paraprofessional.  Matt and I have one son, Daniel, who is a third grader at Ste. Genevieve Elementary. 

My role at Citizens includes preparing monthly financial statements and reports for the Board of Directors, frequently analyzing the budget, cash-flow management and working closely with an outside audit firm on our yearly audit.  I believe my financial background and in-depth understanding of a budget will be a great asset to the school board.  These qualifications will allow me to make sure the board is using the funding we receive wisely to meet the educational needs of all our students.

I believe being an active member of the community and volunteering your time is the most effective way to make our community a better place.  I am Treasurer of the Ste. Genevieve Elementary Parent Teacher Organization.  I have participated at multiple Title 1 meetings as a parent advocate at Ste. Genevieve Elementary. I am also President Elect of the Ste. Genevieve Rotary Club. I am a member of the Ste. Genevieve Chamber of Commerce Leadership Ste. Genevieve 2022.  I am a volunteer substitute teacher at Ste. Genevieve Catholic Parish School of Religion and an active member of Sacred Heart Parish in Ozora.

In preparation for my possible role as a board member I have attended the majority of the Board of Education meetings in 2021 and 2022.  I also frequently visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA), and the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA) websites and social media pages to stay abreast of current issues and monitor current legislation that could affect our school district.

Our son, Daniel, was a major influence in my decision to run for a seat on the school board. As a family, we have had an incredibly positive experience at Ste. Genevieve Elementary since Daniel started kindergarten in 2018.  Daniel’s teachers have pushed him to work harder and become a better student and person.  I want every student and family to have the same exceptional experience.  I believe the students’ wellbeing and education should come first.  As a board member I will help ensure all students receive an equal opportunity to have a quality education. With Daniel attending school I have daily hands-on interaction with the school district and a unique perspective as a parent of a current student.  I believe this active connection to the district is something board members should have.