COSLHS FFA holds annual banquet

EVANSVILLE – The Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School FFA chapter held its second FFA Banquet Thursday March 17. During the banquet advisor Lisa Luebkemann presented the members with various awards. 

 Pictured are  Greenhands and the awards they received. Alyssa Heimann star Greenhand, Isaac Luebkemann FFA Creed, Christine Liefer Beleive In Yourself, Alaina Smith Stay Positive, Charlie Rahlfs Roots Run Deep, Advisor Lisa Luebkemann.


The 1st year members received their greenhand pins. Alyssa Heimann received the Star greenhand award. All of the Greenhands received an award based on what they contribute to the chapter. 

Pictured are the seniors and their parents. Emily Luebkemann daughter of Tim and Lisa, Hailey Harbaugh daughter of Jon and Amber, David Koester son of Micheal and Sarah, Aaron Kothe son of Ron and Kim.


The seniors received their retiring officer plaque, FFA cups and graduation tassels.  We recognized the parents and grandparents of the seniors and thanked them for their support. 


Two seniors were recognized for their outstanding commitment to Christ Our Savior FFA chapter. Hailey Harbaugh received the Leadership award and Emily Luebkemann received the Excellent Effort award. 

Faith Ariel Hagen, Event Coordinator at Sparta Buchheit’s presents Aaron Kothe from Christ Our Savior FFA  a check from their recent FFA fundraiser.


The FFA members and guest enjoyed a keynote address from former FFA State President, Lexi Mueller. The chapter also recognized and thank the alumni, financial supporters, Tim Luebkemann, Jon Harbaugh,  COS staff and school board members.