Chester Beautification/Tourism Commission meets Thursday

CHESTER – The Chester Beautification/Tourism Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 17 in the municipal building at 1330 Swanwick Street, Chester, Illinois.

March 17, 2022




Pledge of Allegiance  


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes-Donella Butler


Treasurer’s Report-Linda Rader


Public Petitions & Correspondence   


Standing Committee Reports

            Hometown Proud

            Take Pride Award-JoAnn Simmons/Linda Rader

            Planters-Tony West/Brenda Owen

            Riverboat/Tour Programming-Linda Rader/Patti Carter

            Tourism-Brenda Owen

            Popeye character statue QR codes                                                                 

            Historic Preservation–Grad student project update

            Change machine for Welcome Center?


Special Committee Reports

            Riverfront Improvement-JoAnn Simmons

            Potential green space at corner of State and Swanwick-Ray Allison/Cynthia Lawder         


Commission Function Reports          

            Public Relations-Cynthia Lawder/Bob Lockhart

            New Illinois South Tourism Guide out

            Submit Muni Band info and schedule for spring/summer publication

            Package deal ad in Tourism Times—fall and annual

            City Council update-Ray Allison

            Welcome Center update-Bob Lockhart

            Randolph County Tourism-Ronnie White


Old Business

            Commission openings:  3                              


New Business             

            Consider purchase of two additional large pots for State St. across from Subway

            Chamber of Commerce representative member David Randall

            Create subcommittee for 2024 eclipse


Any other business that may come before the commission