SGFD holds annual awards banquet

STE. GENEVIEVE – The annual Ste Genevieve Fire Department awards banquet was held Saturday night.


Several awards were given, including years of service, Fire Chief’s awards, and the Firefighter of the Year Award.


Gary Roth, received his 30 year pin, and his son, Owen Roth, received the Fire Chief’s Award.


For the last few years, the members of the department select who they think should represent the department as firefighter of the year.


The honor went to Owen Roth.


“While I sat in my seat listening to the speech, I never thought that I was going to be nominated this year. As I sat there and listened to the words that described who I am,” he recalled in a Facebook post. “I was overwhelmed when my name was called!”


“I am honored that the guys that I work with think so highly of me. This award may be for me, but I can’t do my job if it wasn’t for them,” Roth added.