Schmitt: CDC Director fails to apologize during visit to Washington University

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Following Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky’s visit to Washington University this morning, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt released the following statement:

“Today, the CDC Director visited Washington University in St. Louis to talk public health. Missing from her roundtable discussion was an apology – an apology to the parents and children of Missouri that were forced to mask all day in school based on her flawed guidance, an apology for the CDC’s complete politicization of public health guidance and data, an apology for the damage that was done to education and for the exponential increase in detrimental mental health impacts.


“We’ve said all along that the science and data show that masks are ineffective and that they cause lasting, negative impacts on our society’s youngest. From the beginning, CDC has completely ignored and disregarded that science and data. Now that it’s politically convenient, the CDC is changing their tune and changing their guidance, but the damage has already been done. My Office will continue to follow the science and data, and will keep fighting to unmask our children. Meanwhile, Missouri’s children and their parents will wait with bated breath for that well-deserved apology from the CDC Director.”