Missouri fifth graders invited to enter Drinking Water Week poster contest

JEFFERSON CITY —  To celebrate Drinking Water Week May 1-7, fifth grade students from throughout Missouri are invited to participate in an annual poster contest sponsored by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association.

The contest’s theme remains “There when you need it.” Water resources are often taken for granted, yet they play a vital role in our daily lives. A drought or depleted water source can threaten a community’s future. A safe, reliable water supply creates jobs, attracts industry and investments, and provides for citizens’ health and welfare, ranging from disease prevention to fire suppression.

Contest entries must be postmarked or submitted electronically by April 1, 2022. Each entry should include the student’s name, teacher’s name and school’s name, address and telephone. Students should also sign the front of the artwork. The artwork can be no larger than 11 by 17 inches or a 3 MB pdf. Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners: $300 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place. The winners will be featured on the department’s website and social media platforms.

Entries will be judged on three criteria: originality, concept execution and the poster’s relation to public water supplies. The poster should illustrate how tap water is essential to our daily lives and is there when we need it. Entries may be drawn, colored, painted or created electronically. Entries will not be returned.

Mail entries to: Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Director’s Office – LCSOB-4E, Attn: Tisha Holden,  P.O. Box, 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176. Submit electronic entries as a pdf to socialmedia@dnr.mo.gov. For more information, call 573-526-1837 or visit dnr.mo.gov/water/get-involved/drinking-water-week.