Lucas Fritsche honored for his efforts to create an inclusive playground

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri State Reps. Dale Wright and Rick Francis welcomed a remarkable eighth grade student to the State Capitol earlier this month.

Francis and Wright asked their colleagues in the Missouri House of Representatives to join them in honoring Lucas Fritsche for his efforts to raise more than half a million dollars for an inclusive playground in Perryville.


Fritsche is responsible for the construction of the Lucas and Friends Backyard Adventures Playground.


He was motivated to push for the inclusive playground at the young age of eight when he noticed some of his friends with disabilities were not able to enjoy their school playground equipment.


So, Fritsche began a mission to create a playground that could be enjoyed by all of his friends, and in six years raised more than $500,000 for the project.


“Lucas has a huge heart and a ‘can do’ attitude that allowed him to accomplish his dream that many would have thought impossible. He is an inspiration for all of us as he reminds us that we can make a profoundly positive impact on our world if we’re willing to work hard enough,” said Francis, R-Perryville.


Wright and Francis welcomed Lucas to the House floor with Wright telling his colleagues about the remarkable accomplishment Fritsche had achieved with his fundraising. Francis and Wright presented Lucas with an official House Resolution honoring him for his extraordinary dedication to his community and to help others.


“We are truly blessed to have an example like Lucas who has such a profound love for his community and friends that he was willing to do whatever it would take to give them the same experiences he was able to enjoy. He is a remarkable young man who has already accomplished so much in his life, and is certainly destined for even greater things because of his huge heart and compassion,” said Wright, R-Farmington.