Ste. Genevieve R-II superintendent announces her retirement

STE. GENEVIEVE – Ste. Genevieve School District R-II Superintendent Dr. Julie Flieg has announced her intent to retire at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.


She also announced that Assistant Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor has been named to the newly-created post of Deputy Superintendent. The position will give Dr. Taylor the experience he needs to assume the superintendency when Dr. Flieg officially retires.


Dr. Flieg announced her pending retirement in a heartfelt letter to the entire R-II family:


            Dear SG R-II Family:


            After much contemplation and discussion with Jason, my husband, I have made    the decision to retire with an effective date of June 30, 2023 (a year and a half     from now), and I submitted my letter to the Board during the Executive (Closed)            Meeting this past Tuesday evening.


            This decision is primarily based on my need to be able to “be there” for Jason, our            four children, our parents and, now, our beautiful granddaughter.


            SG R-II has been an integral part of my life for 41 years. My journey started at the            age of five in kindergarten with Mrs. Bonnie Zerwig.


            I was blessed with amazing teachers and support staff throughout my academic     career who helped guide me to find my calling in life. Some of these special    people included Mr. Bruce Sundblad, Mrs. Delores Roth, Mr. Terry McDaniel,   Mrs. Kay Steagall, Dr. Joan Wilson, Mr. Robert Pingel, and many more.


            I was also very fortunate to have a high school principal who saw potential in me.


            Throughout his career at Ste. Genevieve, Mr. Mikel Stewart hired and/or   promoted me at least nine different times— from an assistant in the cafeteria    while I was in middle school and high school, to the cooperative office education student in the high school office my senior year, to a part-time secretary during             the summer while I was in college, then as a full-time secretary/registrar in the      high school guidance office, and on to a teacher’s aide in the behavior program,            middle school business teacher, high school business teacher, middle school assistant principal and athletic director, and middle school principal.


            I never intended to leave the classroom once I started teaching. But with Mr.         Stewart’s encouragement and support, I took the classes, earned the degrees and        found myself in administration. I was also blessed to work with Dr. Becky Frelix,       who made the decision to obtain her doctorate degree and encouraged—really     strong armed—me to join the same cohort and work on mine, too.


            But the most influential person throughout my professional career and journey at   Ste. Genevieve has been my husband, Jason. Everything that I did and   accomplished here is a tribute to his support. He encouraged me every time I   talked about going back to school to earn another degree. He supported me when I             coached volleyball, traveled with my FBLA students, supervised events after         school and as I transitioned to the District Office.


            Without his support and that of our parents and children, I am not sure where I      would be today.


            I am extremely proud and humbled to have been a part of this great school district             and to have had a hand in the progress that we have made throughout my           employment.


            I was always most proud to share with others that our Board members make          decisions that are in the best interest of kids.


            I am excited to continue this focus throughout my last year and half with the          district and look forward to watching it continue into the future.


            So, what does this mean for the future of this great district?


            To ensure a seamless transition to a new superintendent, I have discussed, and                   formally requested, that the Board create a Deputy Superintendent of Schools           position for one year. The Board approved this position during its Open Session         Tuesday night. The purpose of the Deputy Superintendent position will be to       provide an effective training and transition period. The individual in this position will work closely with me, other area superintendents and state organizations to            learn the various roles and responsibilities of the Superintendent position. The Deputy Superintendent position will also manage all aspects of the April 5, 2022    bond issue if, or when, it passes, to ensure the district’s new superintendent is             prepared to effectively manage bond issues and new construction moving forward. Throughout the training and transition period, the Deputy Superintendent     will, over time, assume the responsibilities of the Superintendent.


            The Deputy Superintendent will serve as the Superintendent in the absence of the Superintendent; provide leadership and direction to all departments to ensure           alignment and attainment of the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement            Plan goals and strategies; represent the Superintendent, as appropriate, at official            school and community functions; communicate with the School Board and the             community regarding district programs; ensures compliance with state and federal            regulations; administer the school district’s budget; provide effective      administration of all schools and departments; and provide educational leadership           throughout the school system and community.


            Some of you may be wondering why the new Deputy Superintendent position is    necessary. Nationwide, statewide, and locally, the landscape of public education         has changed drastically over the last several years, and SG R-II has several fronts      where we must direct focus, some of which include:

  • the Prop SG bond issue;
  • the district’s ongoing planning for and response to COVID-19;
  • navigating the district’s financial positioning given the uncertainty of Holcim’s taxes;
  • the possibility of changes to state legislation regarding public education; and
  • the large number of retirements that have taken place in the district office within the last year and a half.


            The Deputy Superintendent position offers an opportunity for us to plan     proactively for the future of the school district. And it is an approach that other   districts in surrounding communities are also implementing in order to ensure a      seamless transition for district leadership.


            During the Board’s closed session Tuesday night, the Board hired current assistant superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor to fill this position for the next school    year. I am excited to share this news with you, as I have the utmost confidence in         his ability to step into this role and lead this great district into the future.


            Please join me in congratulating Dr. Taylor and wishing him well going forward!


            I want to thank all of you for allowing me to be a part of the Ste. Genevieve R-II   family.


            I look forward to continuing our great work over the next year and a half and the   great memories that we will develop together.


            Forever a Dragon,

