Chester CUSD No. 139 school board tables mask mandate

CHESTER – The Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 Board of Education has decided not to impose a mask mandate at this time.


Instead the board tabled action on masking until a future meeting.


The action came during the board’s January 6 meeting.


According to the meeting’s minutes, school board members expressed a concern over the timing of approving anything that countered the current state mandate for masks and the impending due process with the State Board of Education.


The board members also felt that considering litigation other districts are currently involved in; there was concern of including any board mask mandate without the full backing districts have when following the state mandate all-together.


Current CUSD 139 absences upon returning from break include 14 positive cases and 67 students self-quarantining either as a close contact or waiting on test results.


Superintendent Brian Pasero reminded the board that while these cases were not from being at school, the goal is to avoid remote learning. And while the high school staffing has not been an issue in the first week back, there have been several staff absent at the grade school.


The minutes of the January 6 meeting:


The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 held a Special Meeting Thursday, January 6, 2022, in High School FACS Classroom B217.


President Vasquez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Members present: Debi Caraway, Charles Fricke, Matt Davitz, Nikki Malley, Trent Vasquez (via phone). Members absent: Randi Belton.


Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Davitz to approve the agenda and items as listed. Upon roll call all members voted aye.


There was no public comment presented to the Board.


Pasero reviewed revisions in the current Return to School Plan that mainly centered around mask mitigations during varying levels of community and school transmission rates and infections for board consideration.


The board expressed concern over the timing of approving anything that countered the current state mandate for masks and the impending due process with the State Board of Education. Additionally, taking into consideration the litigations other districts are currently involved in, there was concern of including any board mask mandate without the full backing districts have when following the state mandate all-together.


Given the current high levels of transmission rates, the board ultimately tabled any action to future meetings.


Pasero also reviewed and took questions regarding recent protocol recommendations for schools from the CDC, IDPH and ISBE regarding isolation and quarantine for schools.


Current absences upon returning from break include 14 positive cases and 67 students self-quarantining either as a close contact or waiting on test results.


Pasero reminded the board that while these cases were not from being at school, the goal is to avoid remote learning. And while the high school staffing has not been an issue in the first week back, there have been several staff absent at the grade school.


Motion was made by Davitz and seconded by Mott to approve a resolution declaring the intention to issue not to exceed $750,000 of Working Cash Fund Bonds, and directing the notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law.


Upon roll call all members voted aye.


Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Davitz to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.


Upon roll call all members voted aye.


The next REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Education will be held Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. (Executive Session at 6:00 p.m.) in the Chester High School FACS Classroom B217, 1901 Swanwick Street, Chester, IL 62233