It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time!! Let’s look inside the cookie program and get ready to Taste the Adventure!!

By Loretta Graham, CEO Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois


When you purchase Girl Scout Cookies, you’re supporting girls’ ability to learn, grow, and thrive through adventure. Running their very own Girl Scout Cookie business makes it all possible – from camping trips that teach them how to be resourceful, to STEM projects that inspire them to change the world, to epic treks that remind them they’re capable of anything.


You – yes, YOU – can help girls become leaders. When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you are helping them learn from new experiences and gain leadership skills through program opportunities. These experiences and skills are the foundation for entrepreneurship, and they will empower girls to change our world.


Through Girl Scout experiences, girls develop the attitudes and skills they need to succeed in life. They aspire to make an impact, and they embrace challenges and take risks.  They see opportunities, and they are open to new ideas.


The girls are ready, but are you ready to support them? Research says that 92 percent of girls think they are smart enough to be entrepreneurs and almost 80 percent say they’re interested in careers in the business world.  Girls’ entrepreneurial futures are bright.  Girl Scouts are more likely than other girls to have an entrepreneurial mindset and desire to be an entrepreneur in the future.


For more than 100 years, Girl Scouts and their supporters have ensured the success of the annual cookie program all while having fun and developing valuable skills to make the world a better place every step of the way.


Girls are interested in entrepreneurship, and they are already thinking like an entrepreneur.  With our support, there’s no stopping them. So, get ready to enjoy Girl Scout Cookies!! Visit to get connected to a troop in your area.  We all love Girl Scout Cookies, so give some to a friend or donate to a worthy cause because every bite counts!