Candidate for Illinois Secretary of State comments on Satanic Display

SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Secretary of State candidate Dan Brady, a Bloomington Republican, issued the following statement regarding the Satanic holiday display that is currently in place at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield:


“While I fully support all Americans’ Constitutional rights to freedom of expression and religion, sometimes common sense tells us that things have just gone too far. Here we are just a few days away from a holiday that celebrates peace on earth and we are dealing with a symbol of hate that has once again been plopped down in the center of a building that belongs to all Illinoisans, the vast majority of whom find the display repugnant in the extreme. If elected Secretary of State I will immediately and thoroughly review all of the rules in place regarding such displays, and if necessary seek the introduction of legislation, to make sure that hatred has no home in the house of Illinois’ government. I wish all citizens of this state a safe, healthy and peaceful holiday season, with the wish that we won’t be discussing this issue at this time next year.”


About Dan Brady

Dan Brady is a candidate for Illinois Secretary of State. He is a resident of Bloomington, Illinois where he is a licensed funeral director and embalmer, and is a partner in the funeral home firm Kibler-Brady-Ruestman. Brady served as McLean County Coroner from 1992 to 2000. He received an A.A. from Southern Illinois University and a B.A. in Elected Studies from St. Ambrose University. Brady was named to the Illinois House Republican Leadership team in 2003 and in 2017 he was named Deputy Minority Leader. He has been recognized for his local leadership by a variety of organizations and is a repeated recipient of awards including the ACTIVATOR “Friend of Agriculture Award, the National Federation of Independent Business “Guardian of Small Business” Award and the Illinois Chamber of Commerce “Champion of Free Enterprise” Award. Dan and his wife Teri have two children.