2021 Ste. Genevieve County Adopt-a-Family Program called ‘A great success’

STE. GENEVIEVE – Sponsors and donors provided 107 Ste. Genevieve County children with holiday gifts through the University of Missouri’s 2021 Adopt-a-Family Program this year.

Estrella Carmona with the University of Missouri Extension in Ste. Genevieve said, “This program’s success is dependent upon the generosity of donors. Times are tough for many families around the holidays. For some, there would be no Christmas presents under the tree without this program. Every recipient expressed their gratitude for the Adopt-a-Family program. Some families even expressed the desire to give back to the program as donors themselves when their circumstances change.”

“Not only did we succeed in matching every child to a sponsor, but some donors generously provided extra gifts to families in need,” said Carmona, manager of the Adopt-a-Family program. “These ranged from winter coats to board games, from gifts cards to even Christmas hams. We are so grateful for the participation this year.”

In addition to our donors, the program would not be able to reach as many people without our partners in the community. Head Start and Ste. Genevieve County Health Department were among the organizations that directed people in need to the program.

The University of Missouri Extension looks forward to continuing to make the holidays bright for local families.

To learn more about the Adopt-a-Family Program, please contact University of Missouri Extension at (573) 883-3548.