Illinois: Nearly 300 new laws to take effect in 2022

RED BUD — As Illinoisans prepare for the first day of 2022 on Saturday, January 1st, State Representative David Friess (R-Red Bud) wants the public to be aware of the 300 new laws scheduled to take effect.

New laws of note include Rep. Friess’ own PA 102-347 (HB1755), which expands funding to special districts such as the Kaskaskia Regional Port District. Rep. Friess offered this statement:

“The Kaskaskia Regional Port District is an important entity for commerce and economic development, which is sorely needed in Illinois. With the start of 2022, special districts, including ports, will now be able to take advantage of the financial assistance offered by both state and federal governments.”

The General Assembly made major strides in other areas as well. Some new laws beginning on January 1st, 2022 include insurance companies being required to cover comprehensive testing for cancer predisposition, pancreatic cancer screenings and tests for diabetes and vitamin D deficiency.


Parking will be made easier for expectant mothers in their third trimester as they will be eligible for a free placard to park in handicap-designated spots.


Laws improving funding for educational scholarships to military families, expanding cottage food operations, promoting awareness of sarcoidosis, and even legalizing kids’ lemonade stands will also take effect with the New Year.

Click here for details on the new laws:

New Laws 2022