Department of Natural Resources offers home weatherization assistance

JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has weatherization assistance available to increase energy efficiency and improve the health of your home. As families spend more time at home during winter, they tend to use more energy, which means energy efficiency benefits become even more critical.

The department’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is critical to meeting heating and cooling needs of Missourians with low-incomes, especially as many seniors and other vulnerable households shelter at home due to COVID-19. WAP makes homes more energy efficient, safer and healthier.

To apply for assistance, clients should contact their local weatherization agency. The agency will ask applicants to complete the appropriate forms, including income documentation, to verify eligibility. Once the client is verified as eligible, an auditor from the agency will conduct an energy audit of the home to determine what measures will produce the greatest energy savings. The next step is for the agency crew or contractor to install the energy-efficient measures on the home. After the weatherization is complete, a quality control inspector will examine the home to check quality and completeness of the work.

Eligibility is based on the family unit’s size and total income. A single person with a maximum income of $25,760 is eligible and a home with two residents must have a maximum income of $34,840 to qualify. Local weatherization agencies can provide further information about maximum family income and other details regarding program eligibility.

Properly insulating and sealing air leaks can help many homes save as much as 30% in winter heating costs. Home weatherization not only saves homeowners money and leaves them with a more comfortable living space, it also reduces the pollution associated with generating energy used for heating.

Weatherization leads to significant health benefits. Read the @ENERGY “Home Rx” report available at Residents with asthma reported fewer hospitalizations and emergency room visits after weatherization and families’ out-of-pocket medical expenses decreased by an average of $514, according to @ORNL. Children missed fewer school days after their homes received energy efficiency services from WAP. Weatherization returns $2.78 in health-and-safety related benefits for every $1 invested.

For more ways to weatherize your home visit the department’s Weatherization webpage at or contact the Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Energy at 855-522-2796.