Randolph County reports 42 new COVID-19 cases

CHESTER — Another big jump in COVID-19 cases in Randolph County, Illinois.


The county’s health departments reports 42 new cases since its previous report, issued Friday.


That brings the total number of active cases in the county to 99. One patient is hospitalized.


The death toll stands at 103 in Randolph County.


There have been 6,102 cases since the pandemic began in March 2020. There have been 5,900 recoveries.


The Illinois Department of Public Health reports Randolph County has a red or high level of community transmission and advises “Everyone in Randolph County, Illinois should wear a mask in public, indoor settings.”


It reports 46.77 percent of the Randolph County population is fully vaccinated. That compares with 63.74 percent statewide.


Please call Health Department at (618) 826-5007 to schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 or a seasonal flu vaccination.



Information regarding the variant can be found at https://search.cdc.gov/search/?query=omicron&dpage=1



Randolph County Health Department. Please call Health Department at (618) 826-5007 to schedule an appointment. We are administering the first, second, third for 5 years and older as well as Booster doses of the COVID vaccine.


CDC Recommendation – mRNA Vaccine: The CDC is endorsing updated recommendations made by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for the prevention of COVID-19, expressing a clinical preference for individuals to receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine over Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine.


ACIP’s unanimous recommendation followed a robust discussion of the latest evidence on vaccine effectiveness, vaccine safety and rare adverse events, and consideration of the U.S. vaccine supply.


This updated CDC recommendation follows similar recommendations from other countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom. Given the current state of the pandemic both here and around the world, the ACIP reaffirmed that receiving any vaccine is better than being unvaccinated.


16 and older Booster Dose Recommendation

The CDC is strengthening its booster recommendations and encouraging everyone 16 and older to receive a booster shot. Although we don’t have all the answers on the Omicron variant, initial data suggests that COVID-19 boosters help broaden and strengthen the protection against Omicron and other variants. We know that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and I strongly encourage adolescents ages 16 and 17 to get their booster if they are at least 6 months post their initial Pfizer vaccination series, only the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is authorized and recommended for adolescents aged 16 and 17.


CoVID-19 Vaccine Clinics:

  • Wednesday, December 22nd –Pfizer ADULT (9:00-10:00)
  • Wednesday, December, 22nd – Pfizer PEDIATRIC (2:00 – 4:00)
  • Thursday, December 23rd – Pfizer, Moderna and J&J – Adult (8:00am – 4:00pm)
  • Wednesday, December, 29th – Pfizer PEDIATRIC (2:00-4:00)
  • Thursday, January, 6th – Pfizer, Moderna and J&J – Adult (8:00 am– 4:00pm)


Community Vaccination Clinics in Illinois:

The following link provides a map of currently planned community partner clinics and a full list that can be sorted by column header. “Find a Community Partner Vaccination Clinic In Your Area.”.


Vaccine information:

Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System: www.vaers.hhs.gov

CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html

IDPH: https://dph.illinois.gov/covid19/vaccine-faq.html