Freedom Act would allow for religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccinations

DIETRICH, Ill. — Discriminating against anyone for their refusal to receive a COVID-19 vaccine would be illegal under legislation State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) has introduced.

“Our leaders are using the pandemic as an excuse to strip Americans of their rights,” Niemerg said. “We cannot allow this abuse of power to continue.”

The Freedom Act (HB 4239) makes it unlawful for any person, public or private institution, or public official to discriminate against any person in any manner because of such person’s refusal to obtain, receive, or accept a COVID-19 vaccination contrary to his or her beliefs. The legislation also prohibits a public official, guardian, agency, institution, or entity to discriminate based on vaccine status and the measure allows an individual to file a lawsuit in the event their religious rights are violated.

“The rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution are not conditional,” Niemerg said. “They are innate. I wish that House Bill 4239 were not necessary. I wish that our state’s leaders would respect our rights as citizens but sadly that is not the case. My legislation is necessary and is essential for the preservation of our Right of Conscience. I need the help of concerned citizens to put pressure on the leaders in the House and the Senate to do the right thing by passing the Freedom Act.”

House Bill 4239 has been introduced and awaits assignment to a legislative committee.