Mo. Rep. Sara Walsh pre-files Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

JEFFERSON CITY – State Rep. Sara Walsh’s efforts to protect the lives of the innocent unborn will continue during the 2022 legislative session when she will work to secure passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (HB 1593). Walsh officially pre-filed the bill for the upcoming session on December 1.

Walsh’s legislation would grant any child born alive during or after an abortion or attempted abortion the same rights and privileges possessed by any other person or citizen of Missouri, including any other live-born child. The act also would require doctors to provide the same care for a baby born alive after a failed attempt at abortion as they would for any child of the same gestational age. After providing appropriate care, they would be required to ensure that the baby is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.

Walsh, R-Ashland, said, “It is unconscionable to think a medical professional could refuse to provide care to precious newborn. I will do everything in my power to protect vulnerable babies who deserve life-saving medical care.”

She added, “I call on my colleagues in both chambers to stand with me to protect the sanctity of life. This session we must pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to ensure babies who survive the horror of an attempted abortion are given a chance to grow into healthy adults.”

Walsh’s legislation is similar to bills that have been filed at the congressional level, including legislation offered by Missouri Congresswoman Ann Wagner. Walsh pre-filed her legislation on December 1 and the legislature will take it up for consideration during the 2022 session, which begins January 5.