Dieterich Bank is collecting clothing and toys

CHESTER – The Chester and Red Bud Dieterich Bank locations are currently having a Head to Toe Clothing Drive and all donations will go to Love Abby.

All items collected will go to Love Abby. 

Love Abby works with the local social workers in our schools and DCFS to help provide kids in our counties and foster kids in Southern Illinois with the essentials they need.

Dieterich Bank locations in Chester and Red Bud are collecting these new items: hats,

scarves, gloves, socks, hoodies and coats through Friday, December 10th, 2021. 

Dieterich Bank is located at 2231 State St., Chester, and two locations in Red Bud: 1411 S. Main St, and 115 W. Market St.

Each location is also accepting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots through Thursday, December 9.