SGHS FCCLA organizes Thanksgiving dinner kit food drive

STE. GENEVIEVE — The Ste. Genevieve High School chapter of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) has just concluded a Thanksgiving Dinner Kit food drive.

Robin Reynolds, of L.I.F.E., INC., coordinated the organization and delivery of the kits.

At the conclusion of the event, approximately 77 Thanksgiving dinner kits were assembled. For more than two decades, FCCLA has held this annual food drive to help local families have a nice meal for Thanksgiving, and the group typically averages at about 45-50 dinner kits each year.

The advisory classes at SGHS competed to see which class could generate the most donations toward Thanksgiving dinner kits. Christia Turner Wolk’s fifth hour advisory class was the winner of the competition and will enjoy a pizza party for their efforts.