Gary Rabine: Biden Administration’s actions reveal true intent of vaccine mandates

WOODSTOCK, Ill. – The Biden Administration’s attempt to defy a court-ordered stay on the vaccine mandate on small business owners clearly shows what the mandates are really all about, according to Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Gary Rabine.

“The Biden Administration knows the vaccine mandate is not constitutional and so they are leaning on businesses to implement the mandate on their own accord to get as many compliant companies as possible before the courts strike the mandate down,” Rabine said. “This is – as it always been – about control and expanding the reach of the federal government. The Biden Administration is clearly worried about how the courts will rule on this mandate and so they are attempting to circumvent the court-ordered stay and bully companies into submission to their authoritarian rules. These tactics will not work, and these mandates won’t stand.”

The Rabine Group of Companies is one of the lead plaintiffs in the Job Creators Network (JCN) lawsuit in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit against the Biden Administration to block the implementation of its vaccine mandate on small businesses.       

To learn more about Gary Rabine, visit