Gary Rabine: Pritzker takes aim at individual rights with assault on Right of Conscience Act

WOODSTOCK, Ill. – Gary Rabine, Republican candidate for Illinois Governor, is issuing the following statement on the Governor signing legislation to shield employers from litigation stemming from vaccine mandates.

“The Right of Conscience has long been a part of our nation’s heritage. Going all of the way back to the American Revolution, the Colonial Army made allowances for conscientious objectors. The Right of Conscience is engrained in our American heritage and our way of life.

The idea that employers can mandate a vaccine and be protected from lawsuits ought to frighten us all. If we cannot make healthcare for ourselves, what other ways can government limit our freedoms?

Governor Pritzker may not like the choices people make, but he should respect their right to make decisions for themselves. The courts will ultimately decide the legality of this new law, but there is no denying our individual rights and freedoms were dealt a major setback today.

Illinois does not need a despot. The residents of our state need and deserve a Governor who will listen to them and treat them with dignity and respect. Unlike JB Pritzker, I will put the rights and liberties of Illinois citizens first. I will end the war on families, and I will protect the Right of Conscience for all Illinoisans.”


To learn more about Gary Rabine, visit