St. Mary Board of Aldermen minutes

ST. MARY – The St. Mary Board of Aldermen met Thursday, October 14, 2021.


The minutes of the meeting were released Friday afternoon.



Board of Aldermen Meeting

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

6:00 PM


1. Be it Remembered:  A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Carl Wyatt on Thursday, October 14th, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.


2. Pledge of Allegiance:  The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. 


3. Roll Call:  Aldermen answering the roll call were Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman Dr Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker.


4. Agenda:  A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the agenda.  Alderman Ron Barnett  seconded the motion. Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman De. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


5. Consent Agenda:  A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the following: Minutes from Previous Meeting, Treasurers Report, Collectors Report and Bills Paid and City Manager to pay previously appropriated expenses as they come due as allowed by the budget. Alderman Karl Schultz seconded the motion.  Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried. 


6. Public Forum: Nobody showed up.




Mayor Carl Wyatt thanked the Chamber of Commerce for providing a dumpster so residents can clean up their properties.  He also thanked Alderman Annette Hacker for purchasing the postage and stuffing envelopes to every household in the town.  Wyatt was disappointed that more residents did not take advantage of this program and remove the debris from their property. 


Wyatt met with our prosecutor and he will be revising our high grass, debris and derelict vehicle ordnances.


Wyatt then recognized Pastor Ed Carter from Trinity Baptist Church and said he is very popular with the children and the residents.




7. Department Reports:


a. Emergency Management – Emergency Management Director David Woods had nothing to report.


b. Police Department – The Honorable Mayor Carl Wyatt gave the floor to Police Chief Adam Bequette who reported there were 11 calls. He then reported receiving a PVT breathalyzer from a grant he applied for. He discussed street sign issues and said there are investigations ongoing.


c. Fire Department – Alderman Annette Hacker gave the floor to Fire Chief Frankie Ullman. Ullman reported there was one medical call.  He has applied for the Department of Conservation grant.  There will be another gun raffle.  He spoke with MODOT and they will make room through their road work for the fire department if there is a call. They participated in fire prevention at Head Start.  The air compressor has been serviced.  Brother Ed will be joining the fire department after the holidays. 


d. Street Department – Alderman Ron Barnett reported the dump truck needs a fire extinguisher and the plow truck needs the power steering fixed and the spreader put on. He is still working on getting some more cold patch.


e. Water / Wastewater Department – Alderman Karl Schultz gave the floor to Mayor Wyatt who reported we had to buy a piece of equipment and we found a leak from our old water lines that are supposed to be dead lines.


f. Park / Cemetery / Animal Control – Alderman Dr. Zen Duda had nothing to report.


g. Citizens Participation – Mayor Wyatt recognized Jody Odem.  Odem discussed at the end of the August meeting he was addressed about a perceived issue. Odem sent emails to St. Mary, Ste Genevieve city and county and 911 dispatch regarding people’s personal information being unencrypted broadcast on police radios. He passed out copies of the two emails to the aldermen and copies of the sunshine laws and suggested reading the statutes on disclosing social security numbers. Since the August meeting the mayor has prohibited him from using the cities electricity at city hall for the camera he uses to film meetings for Ste Genevieve TV.


Odem also mentioned he received a call from the FCC about him transmitting to interfere with police radio service. He claims our police chief filed a false complaint with this federal agency. 


He also mentioned that the city goes into closed session every month for personnel issues.  He says that this can open the city up to litigation.


10.  Regular Session Adjournment:  There being no further business before the board, a motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to adjourn at 6:25 p.m. Alderman Ron Barnett seconded the motion.  All the aldermen voted yea on a voice vote.  Meeting adjourned


