MAC Foundation launches enhancement grant campaign

PARK HILLS – Mineral Area College (MAC) provides quality, affordable education and has changed the course of countless students’ lives and strengthened the local workforce by preparing highly skilled and employable graduates.

MAC’s commitment to educational excellence is dependent on providing a curriculum built upon industry standards and staying up to date on rapidly changing technology. These fundamental keys ensure that MAC graduates have the best opportunities for success.  The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) also recognizes the high cost for meeting the dynamic needs of students and provides a matching grant opportunity of $3-to-$1 for the development and expansion of quality career education.

Mineral Area College Foundation is appealing to the community to help keep the college on the leading edge of preparing students for the workforce by donating to the annual Enhancement Grant fundraising campaign, underway now through December 31, 2021. Each year, the campaign provides a large portion of the funds required to purchase state-of-the-art equipment, curriculum, and training for students in career and technical programs. Donations to MAC Foundation’s Enhancement Grant campaign are eligible for the DESE $3-to-$1 match; so up to $400 in purchasing power is generated for every $100 raised.